2021-03-15 20:16:57
摘 要
Since the industrial revolution in 18th Century and 19th Century, the development of the shipping industry has been unstoppable and has become a widely used mode of transportation in the world.With the development of the shipping industry, a variety of international conventions for maritime traffic safety have been formulated and applied.In recent years, in order to prevent human mistakes and the potential risk of natural disasters which may cause maritime safety accidents, the world has formulated some international convention of maritime safety such as International Convention for the safety of life at sea, International Convention for the search and rescue of ships and international standards for maritime training, certification and Watch keeping. The idea of this academic article is studying on the development trend of international maritime safety convention in the future years.To guarantee the safety of navigation is one of the most important purpose of IMO. Formulating international conventions and making the Conventions into force in the global scope of the implementation has made remarkable achievements in the aspects of navigation safety. Study the formulation and revision process of IMO maritime safety convention, and point out some new concepts introduced by IMO in recent years. In order to provide a reference for researchers to better grasp the future development of IMO International Maritime Safety convention.
Key words:Maritime conventions, safety,development trend, International Maritime Organization
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究目的与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
第2章 目前主要的海事安全公约 3
2.1 1974年国际海上人命安全公约 3
2.1.1 SOLAS公约的产生背景 3
2.1.2 SOLAS公约的发展历程 4
2.2 1979年国际海上搜寻救助公约 6
2.2.1 SAR公约的简介 6
2.2.2 SAR公约的发展历程 6
2.3 1978年海员培训,发证和值班标准公约 7
2.3.1 STCW公约的产生背景 7
2.3.2 STCW公约的发展历史 7
2.4 SOLAS公约和STCW公约未来几年的修正案 9
2.4.1 SOLAS公约 9
2.4.2 STCW公约 9
第3章 IMO海事安全公约的系统化发展趋势 11
3.1向目标导向型迈进 11
3.2进入高速动态发展时代 11
3.3将逐步形成一个完整的系统 12
3.4自愿被动应对到强制主动预防 13
3.4.1由被动应对到主动预防 13
3.4.2由自愿加入到强制履约 13
3.5强调人的因素在海事立法中的应用 14
第4章 对于未来发展趋势的存在的问题 15
4.1 FSA海事领域的运用尚不成熟 15
4.2 GBS将给造船业带来挑战 15
4.3 对公约的考虑应综合多种因素 16
第5章 结论 18
参考文献 19
致 谢 20
第1章 绪论