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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 市场营销 > 正文


 2022-03-25 19:31:16  


摘 要


关键词: 电子商务 实体销售 冲突 协调策略

Investigation on the Conflict and Coordination of E-commerce

and Physical Sales


In the era of rapid development of Internet, the number of Internet users also will increase rapidly, people have become accustomed to spend daily fixed some time on the network, so people's consumption patterns have also changed, from traditional retail stores to go out to go Shopping to shopping from anywhere on the network. Faced with this phenomenon, the enterprises who want to meet the customer's consumption patterns, have started to develop e-commerce channels to meet consumer demand for online shopping. However, due to the problem of overlapping customer resources and the low price of competition with the physical sales because of the low cost between the two entities, it leads to conflict between the two channels and the emergence of more and more intense. In this paper, the current status of e-commerce and physical sales, the conflict between the channel types were described in detail, citing a typical phenomenon of conflicts between physical sales and e-commerce, e-commerce discussed the conflict with physical sales from several different aspects causes, concludes from the same price strategy, policy differences and complementary strategies to coordinate the three aspects of conflict between e-commerce and physical sales, the goal is to make do with e-commerce entity selling mutual promotion and common development of the situation.

Key Words: E-commerce; Physical Sales; Conflict; Coordination Strategy


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 研究目的 1

第二章 文献综述 2

第三章 相关理论分析 4

3.1 营销渠道 4

3.2 电子商务与实体销售的发展现状 6

第四章 渠道冲突的现象及成因 9

4.1 渠道冲突定义 9

4.2 渠道冲突类型 9

4.3 电子商务与实体销售渠道冲突的典型现象 10

4.4 渠道冲突产生原因 10

第五章 协调电子商务与实体销售冲突策略 13

5.1 同价策略 13

5.2 差异化策略 13

5.3 互补策略 15

第六章 结语 16

参考文献 17

第一章 绪论

1.1 选题背景

近年来,随着市场经济改革的深化以及信息化技术的快速发展,电子商务出现了,并且得到了快速发展起来的机会,从而引发了一场广泛而深刻的商业变革。并且就目前剧烈的竞争环境下,消费者的购物需求越来越不一样,单一的实体销售渠道已经远远不可以满足需要。据中国电子研究商务中心发布的“2014年中国电子商务市场数据监测报告”,2014 年,中国电子商务市场交易规模达 13.4 万亿,同比增长 31.4%。并且据中国电子商务研究中心(100EC.CN)监测数据显示,截止到 2014 年 12 月,使用第三方电子商务平台的国内中小企业用户人数(包含同一个企业在不同平台上注册但不包括在同一 平台上反复注册)已经打破了2050 万。[[1]]由此可见,消费者的购物方式逐渐都转向了网络购物的模式,为了迎合消费者的偏好,越来越多的人投入到电商的行业,带动了电商的发展与繁荣。而随着电子商务的做大,势必会影响传统的商业模式—实体销售,依据中华全国商业信息中心的统计数据,在2014年,全国上百家重点大规模零售企业的零售额同比降低了1.6%,比去年的增长速度降低了12.1%,特别是12月份的零售额同比降低了2.2%。[[2]]很明显的可以看出线下销售业绩一直在持续下降,与电子商务相比,这种此消彼长的局面对传统的实体销售的企业造成了冲击。而由于电子商誉与实体销售两种渠道的消费者和产品品牌的重叠以及产品的价格差等因素,导致了两种渠道之间产生冲突,随着“价格战”等一系列的事情愈演愈烈,协调好电子商务与实体销售之间的冲突变得尤其的重要。


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