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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 市场营销 > 正文


 2021-11-15 21:32:38  


摘 要







The fundamental role of agricultural products is obvious while these products are the dominating origin of most daily necessities in the market, . But in our real life, most agricultural products trading in the market condition is not packing of agricultural products is given priority to, on behalf of the packaging function did not work, did not bring additional value to the product, and did not bring competitive advantage through the packaging to the product, in addition, due to natural decay or dry lead to a drop in the use of agricultural products value. At present, the public pays more attention to the green concept, and the use of green packaging in agricultural products will become a trend.

Whether a country's agricultural products are competitive in agricultural market all over the word or not mostly depends on the strength of the post-production economy from the harvest of agricultural products to the consumption of agricultural goods. The total value of the products is the sum of the original physical value and other added value (such as brand premium). Chinese agricultural products enterprises didn’t make enough efforts in the packaging of agricultural products, which cannot bring more added value to these goods, causing their total value and the competitiveness are not enough and strong in the agricultural trade.

At the present stage, most of the research articles on agricultural products packaging are from the perspective of material selection, art design, aesthetics, and so on, while only a small portion of the research focuses on the willingness of consumers to purchase farm products. On the basis of summarizing predecessors' literature, to use clues-theory as a guide, with hairy crab packing as the research object, the matching degree as intermediary variables, will produce as the green packaging as independent variables and regard purchase intention as dependent variable, to explore the function mechanism about green packaging to purchase intention, the use of experimental method for quantitative research, collect data through questionnaires, and finally use SPSS20.0 to process and draw datas.

The purpose of this study is to further analyze the influence of green packaging on consumers' willingness to buy agricultural products on the basis of predecessors, so as to enrich the theoretical research on green packaging of agricultural products and give some recommendations about the production of some agricultural products and packages designs

Key Words: Green packaging; Purchase intention; Compatibility

目 录

摘 要 3


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外文献综述 3

1.3研究内容及其框架 4

第2章 文献综述 7

2.1农产品绿色产品包装 7

2.2购买意愿 8

2.3匹配度 9

第3章 模型构建和研究假设 11

3.1理论模型的建构 11

3.2研究假设 12

第4章 研究设计 13

4.1研究对象的选择 13

4.2变量的控制和测量 13

第5章 实验结果分析与解释 15

5.1描述统计分析 15

5.2信度和效度检验 15

5.3假设验证 18

第6章 结论与展望 20

6.1.研究结论 20

6.2研究对营销的启示 20

参考文献 21

附录 23

附录A 23

附录B 26

致谢 29

第1章 绪论






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