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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 市场营销 > 正文


 2020-05-26 20:40:39  

摘 要


第一章 精准营销与大数据的研究概述 1

1.1精准营销的理论及发展状况 1

1.1.1精准营销的概念与特点 1

1.1.2精准营销的发展状况 1

1.2大数据理论 2

1.2.1 大数据的概念 2

1.2.2大数据的特点 2

第二章 电子商务平台的精准营销 4

2.1电子商务的理论及发展状况 4

2.1.1电子商务的概念 4

2.1.2电子商务的发展状况 4

2.2电子商务平台精准营销价值 5

2.2.1电子商务平台营销发展状况 5

2.2.2电子商务平台精准营销方式及特点 6

第三章 大数据背景下电商平台精准营销策略 8

3.1用户购物行为的影响因素 8

3.1.1 用户的网上购物流程 8

3.1.2用户购物行为的影响因素 9

3.2 大数据背景下电商平台的精准营销策略 9

3.2.1构建营销数据库平台 9

3.2.2基于大数据的客户分析策略 10

3.2.3建立个性化信息推送服务系统 11

3.2.4 多渠道整合策略 11

第四章 案例分析——以京东商城为例 12

4.1 京东商城的概况 12

4.2 京东商城大数据平台发展现状 12

4.3京东商城基于大数据的精准营销策略 13

4.3.1市场定位 13

4.3.2产品服务策略 13

4.3.3广告传播策略 14

4.3.4网站体验与支持系统 15

4.4京东的启示和不足 16

4.4.1京东给业界的启示 16

4.4.2京东的不足 17

第五章 总结与展望 18

5.1 总结 18

5.2 展望 18

参考文献 20




关键词:大数据 精准营销 电商平台 互联网

The Research on Electric Business Platform’s Precision Marketing Under the Background of Big Data


Since the development of the things more and more rely on the Internet, the value is more obvious, and the product data of the Internet as its value gradually infiltrated into every aspect of our life. Especially in the e-commerce platform as the data carrier case, the stored data is of immeasurable value, so that the advantages of commercial enterprises for data applications than other types of enterprises to be more deeply and widely based on. This paper mainly relying on big data, analyzes the electric business platform for how to achieve precision marketing. Firstly, this paper introduces the overview of precision marketing and big data. Secondly, the paper analyzes the electric business platform precision marketing. Thirdly, based on the big date, the paper summarizes some strategies of electric business platform precise marketing. And then the text mainly using Jingdong Mall as an example, analyzes its precision marketing method based on large data, and to find the problems, to put forward suggestions for Jingdong Mall, as well as other large Internet data based on the business enterprise to provide reference. Finally, the text makes a summary, and based on the case of Jingdong Mall, makes some assumptions for the combination of big data and electric business platform in the future.

Keywords: Big data; Precision Marketing; Electric Business Platform; Internet

第一章 精准营销与大数据的研究概述





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