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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2020-04-15 21:52:35  

摘 要


关键词:科技型企业 知识型员工 激励机制

Construction of Knowledge-based Employee Incentive Mechanism in Scientific and Technological Enterprises


Knowledge-based employees are one of the core resources of technological enterprises. How to construct effective incentive methods for knowledge-based employees is one of the key courses of enterprise human resource management. Paper according to the science and technology enterprises in the knowledge staff knowledge level is high, the autonomy is strong, the pursuit of self-development, the characteristics of their work performance to evaluation, find out the current our country science and technology enterprises in the problems of knowledge staff incentive mechanism building, mainly including with ordinary staff is not obvious, the distinction between personal goals and enterprise goal of inconsistencies, not perfect performance evaluation system, single and lack of incentives for knowledge workers of humanistic care. In view of the above problems, the corresponding incentive methods are proposed, mainly including the incentive mechanism of the difference between knowledge employees and ordinary employees, the incentive mechanism of growth, the incentive mechanism of performance appraisal, the parallel of various incentive mechanisms and the incentive mechanism of enterprise humanistic care system. Finally, the incentive mechanism for knowledge-based employees in the whole technology enterprises is constructed in the form of mind map.

Key Words:Scientific and technological enterprise; Knowledge-based employee; Incentive mechanism

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与研究意义 1

1.2研究方法 1

1.3研究内容 2

第二章 文献综述与相关理论 3

2.1知识型员工的定义与特点 3

2.2知识型员工激励机制的研究成果 3

第三章 我国科技型企业知识型员工激励机制构建及存在的问题 5

3.1未与普通员工的激励机制进行区分 5

3.2缺乏对于知识型员工的人文关怀 6

3.3个人发展与企业目标的不一致性 7

3.4绩效考评制度的不完善 8

3.5激励方式的单一 8

第四章 我国科技型企业知识型员工激励机制的构建与对策 10

4.1知识型员工与普通员工差异性的激励方式 10

4.1.1针对学历水平差异化的激励方式 10

4.1.2针对收入水平差异化的激励方式 10

4.2企业人文关怀制度的激励方式 11

4.3知识型员工成长性激励方式 11

4.3.1职业发展激励 11

4.3.2参与激励 12

4.3.3培训激励 12

4.3.4授权激励 12

4.4知识型员工合理绩效考核的激励方式 13

4.4.1以外部评价为主,内部评价为辅 13

4.4.2以价值评估为主,产出评估为辅 13

4.5多种激励机制并行 13

4.5.1外源性激励 14

4.5.2内源性激励 14

结语 15

参考文献 16

致谢 18

第一章 绪论


21世纪是知识经济时代拉开序幕的时代,全目前球正在经历着企业模式转型的重要时期,由早期以劳动密集制造为主的企业生产模式,逐渐开始转变为以“高、精、尖”为努力方向的科技型企业发展模式。根据2018年公布的世界五百强企业名单,我们可以看到,榜上有名的企业中,超过六成是以科研为方向的科技型企业,同比2017年公布的名单,这类企业的数量增长了约5.2%[1] ,占据利润榜首位的美国苹果公司带领着同一类科技型企业的后起之秀,不断对于传统的劳动密集型企业的地位发起冲击。


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