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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2022-06-09 22:49:57  


摘 要




关键词:技术创新 技术创新政策 中国 美国 政策对比

The Comparative Analysis of China and American’s Technology Innovation Policy


In the 21st century, the trend of information technology and economic globalization is increasingly significant, and in the process, innovation and technology occupying a very important position, the ability of technological innovation has become to show a country's comprehensive national strength, the country's economic development is a key factor to help countries enhance their core competitiveness. Therefore, the study of technology innovation policies is particularly important. The United States have seen a breakthrough in this regard, therefore, the country can be better compared with the United States.

The study is divided into five parts: The first part is about the basis and significance of the research topic and the present major research framework. The second part introduces the main research question, theoretical basis and extent of previous research and models of the research. Part III Comparative Analyze the Chinese and America’s technology innovation policies which similarities and differences exists, and the advantages and disadvantages of different points of the same, given relatively reasonable explanation. The fourth argument is on innovation policy issues. The fifth part is the conclusion, the analysis of American technology innovation policies on economic construction and development of our country and the comprehensive national strength of reference and some suggestions.

In this comparative study, theoretical analysis and practical analysis and other research methods are combined. And from our specific national conditions, technological innovation policy between the two countries is a more systematic comparison, given the general direction of China's future innovation policy.

Key Words:Technology Innovation;Technology Innovation Policy;China;American;Comparative of Policy


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 2

1.1 选题的依据及意义 2

1.2 研究的对象及方法 3

1.3 研究的框架 3

第二章 文献回顾 4

2.1 相关概念 4

2.2 相关政策 5

2.3 前人的研究模型 5

第三章 技术创新政策概述 6

3.1 我国的技术创新政策分析 6

3.1.1 财政刺激政策 6

3.1.2 政府采购政策 8

3.1.3 金融政策 9

3.2 美国的技术创新政策分析 9

3.2.1 财政刺激政策 10

3.2.2 政府采购政策 11

3.2.3 风险资本政策 12

第四章 我国技术创新政策存在的主要问题及分析 15

4.1 在财政激励政策方面 15

4.1.1 财政的投入 15

4.1.2 税收的优惠 15

4.1.3 法律的支持 16

4.2 政府采购政策方面 16

4.3 金融政策和风险资本政策方面 16

第五章 我国技术创新政策改进的方案 17

5.1 完善我国技术创新的财政激励政策 17

5.2 建立健全我国的技术创新政策的法律法规体系 17

5.3 扩大政府采购规模 18

5.4 完善我国的创新服务体系 18

5.5 加大税收优惠力度 18

5.6 完善金融政策体系和鼓励风险资本投资 18

结语 19

参考文献 20

致谢 22


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