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 2022-04-12 19:56:29  


摘 要





关键词:学科交叉 创新能力 研究生培养机制

Based on the interdisciplinary graduate student innovation ability cultivation mechanism research


Postgraduate education as the highest level of education in the education structure in our country, the shoulders on the responsibility of training high quality innovation talents. Party eighteen big report in terms of education strategy, shows that our country in 2020 into the ranks of reinvigorating China through human resource development and human resource power, basic request to realize the objective of education modernization, the outstanding graduate students at this stage is the key of the talent training object. Various colleges and universities need to strictly graduate student innovation ability, to improve the national innovation capability.

Can provide graduate students with broader knowledge reserve of interdisciplinarity, understand their discipline, to think in a different way of thinking and problem solving, exercise their own innovative thinking and innovative ability. And the cultivation of the graduate student innovation ability, also can promote the production of a new discipline, promote the development of cross subject.

Many colleges and universities in our country at present to have started to attach importance to the construction of the discipline overlapping, and the cultivation of graduate students innovative ability. But in the whole development process, there are still many deficiencies and problems. This article mainly from the college level analysis, found in recruiting link, the appraisal of recruit students of interdisciplinary way to ignore the appraisal of students' ability to cross knowledge background; In the cultivation of the postgraduate stage, the teacher is equipped with a single; Major setting and course setting of autonomy is low, unable to make a meaningful adjustment; The graduate student's employment, the key is that the lack of innovation ability.

In this paper, using the method of literature review, case analysis, system analysis. First

of all, through literature review, summarizes the related theory, innovation ability, interdisciplinarity provides the theoretical foundation for the later research. Secondly, the problems of graduate education, the combination of interdisciplinary interdisciplinary, complementarity and fusion characteristics and the innovation ability training of interdisciplinarity, as the basis of interdisciplinary graduate students innovative ability cultivation mechanism. Then, interaction relationship with cross discipline and innovation ability, from recruiting link, curriculum, teacher equipped with four aspects, scientific research and practice platform to build interdisciplinary graduate student's innovation ability training mechanism; Then choose four place discipline cross construction and the cultivation of innovation ability is typical of a typical universities, citing the importance of innovation ability training of interdisciplinarity, and summarize the method and measures have effectively and durability. Finally, summarized in this paper, the research content and the shortcomings.

Key Words: interdisciplinar; The innovation ability; The graduate cultivation mechanism

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目 录 IV

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 2

1.2研究内容和研究方法 3

1.2.1研究内容 3

1.2.2.研究方法 3

第二章 文献综述 5

2.1学科交叉相关理论 5

2.2创新能力的相关理论 6

第三章 学科交叉研究生创新能力培养机制构建依据 8

3.1 学科交叉的特性与作用 8

3.1.1学科交叉的特性 8

3.1.2学科交叉在研究生创新人才培养中的作用 8

3.2研究生创新能力培养的现状分析 9

3.2.1研究生选拔和淘汰机制的局限性 9

3.2.2研究生创新能力培养的欠缺性 10

3.2.3创新能力对于研究生就业的重要性 11

第四章 基于学科交叉研究生创新能力培养机制的构建 12

4.1学科交叉研究生创新能力培养的构建 12

4.1.1招生环节 12

4.1.2 课程设置 13

4.1.3 导师配备 13

4.1.4科研平台与实践 14

4.2构建框架 14

第五章 案例分析 15

5.1高校推进学科交叉建设和创新能力培养模式的实施 15

5.1.1中国科学技术大学--学科交叉模式 15

5.1.2 华南理工大学--学科交叉重点实验室模式 16

5.1.3大庆石油学院——研究生创新基地建设模式 17

5.1.4 北京科技大学--学生创新技术团队模式 17

5.2 各高校基于学科交叉研究生创新能力培养模式的启示 18

第六章 研究结论与展望 20

6.1研究结论与建议 20

6.1.1研究结论 20

6.1.2对策建议 20

6.2研究不足与展望 21

参考文献 22

致 谢 24

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义


我国高校研究生的教育在近20年,是突飞猛进的发展。较大规模增加是从1999年开始,但扩招虽然使研究生数量增多,但研究生的培养质量却没有得到提高。且之后培养质量问题的日渐突出, 已成为我国各级人才培养质量链中相对薄弱的环节[1]。学位办及清华大学在2006年9月,对全国研究生进行了三次大规模的教育质量评估调查,调查结果发现,研究生的创新能力差是我国研究生教育质量存在的首要问题[2]

为了提高研究生教育的质量,使研究生各方面的能力得到实质上的全面发展,尤其是创新能力,我国在政策上不断作出强调。比如:党的十八大报告提出,到2020 年要努力实现创新人才培养水平的明显提高,为提升我国研究生教育水平提出了新的要求; 2015 年,《国务院关于大力推进大众创业万众创新若干政策措施的实施意见》中再一次提出,对跨专业硕士研究生进行创新创业教育,首先就是要做好创新意识和创新能力的培养;在中央层面,有《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要( 2010 一 2020 年) 》、《教育部财政部关于实施高等学校创新能力提升计划的意见》、《教育部关于全面提高高等教育质量的若干意见》等文件。其中,《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要( 2010 一 2020 年) 》特别提出,“人才培养是高校工作中的中心内容着力培养知识丰富、品德优良、本领过硬的高素质人才和拔尖创新人才”[3]


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