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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2022-03-02 21:49:21  


摘 要



关键词:互联网 企业网络营销 问题 对策

Discussion on the Problems and Countermeasures of Network Marketing in China 's Enterprises


The development of the Internet economy, so that people's lives with each passing day, at the same time due to the intensification of competition in various industries, some traditional marketing methods can not win the attention of consumers, enterprises in order to take the initiative in the commercial war, attract customers, improve economic efficiency, It is of great significance to study the problems and countermeasures in the network marketing of enterprises.

The focus of this paper is to analyze the problems existing in the network marketing of Chinese enterprises and put forward the corresponding strategies. Through analysis, found that both large enterprises or small businesses, the main problems are the lack of funds, talent, technology and the level of development of their own business is not high, and for small businesses there are consumers and other issues of bias. In view of these problems, the development strategy of the enterprise is mainly to strengthen the training of talents, increase investment in network marketing funds, but also to strengthen their own technology research and development efforts and change the marketing concept of managers. But for small and medium enterprises but also according to the actual situation, the development of its own characteristics of the product, to expand market share. At the same time, the government should strengthen the construction of the network infrastructure, but also improve the legal system for our enterprises to better conduct a more healthy network marketing environment.

Key words: Internet enterprise network marketing problem countermeasure




第一章 引言 1

1.1背景分析 1

1.1.1 互联网的普及 1

1.1.2 网购数量的增加 1

1.1.3网络营销存在着很多问题 2

1.2我国企业网络营销的理论综述及研究办法 2

1.2.1理论综述 2

1.2.2研究思路 3

1.2.3研究方法 3

1.3发展现状 3

第二章 我国企业网络营销的特征及必要性 6

2.1我国企业网络营销的特征 6

2.1.1超越时间和空间的限制 6

2.1.2降低成本 6

2.1.3互动性 6

2.1.4有利于转化顾客 6

2.1.5市场的全球性 6

2.2网络营销的比较优势 6

2.2.1 交流方便 6

2.2.2价格比较公开透明 7

2.2.3 不受时间地点限制 7

2.2.4可以提高客户的满意度 7

2.2.5赋予产品一定的个性 7

2.3我国企业网络营销的必要性 7

2.3.1国际经济发展的需要 7

2.3.2国内经济发展的需要 8

第三章 企业网络营销存在的问题 9

3.1大企业的问题分析 9

3.1.1缺乏专业人才 9

3.1.2资金投入不足 9

3.1.3缺乏尖端技术 9

3.1.4企业自身水平限制 10

3.2中小企业的问题分析 10

3.2.1人才缺乏 10

3.2.2资金投入不足 10

3.2.3技术落后 10

3.2.4企业自身问题 11

3.2.5消费者观念问题 12

3.3政府的问题分析 12

3.3.1网络基础设施不完善 12

3.3.2市场监督不力、法制不完善 13

第四章 我国企业网络营销对策 14

4.1大企业的网络营销对策 14

4.1.1加强人才建设,多渠道储备人才 14

4.1.2增加资金投入 14

4.1.3加大技术研发力度 14

4.1.4企业加强自身的营销意识、物流水平 15

4.1.5与国际接轨,多关注国际网络营销的动态发展 15

4.2中小企业的网络营销对策 15

4.2.1加大对人才的投入 15

4.2.2加强对技术的投资 15

4.2.3提高自身的企业理念、水平 16

4.2.4综合利用多种营销工具和方法,提高网站知名度 18

4.3政府发展对策 18

4.3.1 政府要加强网络基础设施的建设 18

4.3.2 加强法制建设 19

4.4 消费者态度改变 19

4.5 学员、高校及教育机构 19

第五章 结束语 21

参考文献 22

致谢 23

第一章 引言


1.1.1 互联网的普及


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