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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2022-01-29 20:23:27  


摘 要





关键词:家电行业 治理结构 经营绩效 回归分析

Research on the relationship between corporate governance and corporate performance of Listed Companies in China's household electrical appliance industry


The household electrical appliance industry plays an important role in the market economy of our country, which can not be ignored in promoting the economic development of our country and improving the international influence. But all industries will be influenced by various factors in the process of development. This paper mainly analyzes the management performance of the listed companies in the household electrical appliance industry from the internal governance structure of the company.

In order to make the analysis results more reliable and reliable, this paper uses the descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis based on financial data. From the conclusion of the analysis, the relationship between the research variables of the selected ownership structure, the composition of the board of directors, the manager level and other aspects is mostly confirmed, but only relevant. The degree may not be high.

According to these conclusions, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the corporate governance structure from three aspects. These three aspects are equity structure, internal governance institutions and the incentive mechanism of senior managers, so as to improve the governance structure of Listed Companies in China's household electrical appliances industry and promote the long-term and efficient development of China's electricity industry.

The research data of this paper are all derived from the 2017 annual report published by the stock exchange of the listed companies and the information provided by the huge tide information network. The data has a reliable source. The research and analysis of this paper has the authenticity and reliability.

Key Words: Household appliances industry; Governance structure; Business performance; Regression analysis


摘要 I


第一章 前言 1

1.1研究的目的 1

1.2研究的意义 2

1.2.1对于理论方面的意义 2

1.2.2对于现实方面的意义 2

1.3研究的内容、思路和方法 2

1.3.1研究内容 2

1.3.2研究思路 4

1.3.3研究方法 4

第二章 治理结构与经营绩效的相关性 5

2.1董事会与经营绩效 5

2.2股权结构与经营绩效 5

2.3经理层与经营绩效 6

2.4监事会规模与经营绩效 6

2.5其他利益相关者与经营绩效 6

第三章 家电上市公司治理结构的描述性分析 7

3.1我国家电上市公司发展的背景 7

3.1.1我国家电行业的总体情况 7

3.1.2我国家电行业上市公司的基本情况 7

3.2我国家电行业上市公司治理结构现状 8

3.2.1公司股权结构分析 9

3.2.2公司董事会构成分析 10

3.2.3公司管理层激励分析 11

第四章 治理结构与经营绩效的回归分析 12

4.1 变量选取 12

4.2研究假设 12

4.2.1流通股与经营绩效 12

4.2.2是否国有控股上市公司与经营绩效 12

4.2.3 Z值与经营绩效 13

4.2.4监事会规模与经营绩效 13

4.2.5两职兼任与经营绩效 13

4.2.6高管薪酬与经营绩效 14

4.3模型设计 14

4.4结果分析 14

第五章 总结和局限 18

5.1结论 18

5.2建议 18

5.2.1优化家电行业上市公司的股权结构 18

5.2.2健全企业内部治理结构管理制度 19

5.2.3建立对家电行业上市公司高层管理者的激励和约束机制 19

5.3研究的局限性 20

参考文献 21

致 谢 22

第一章 前言




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