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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2022-01-07 21:26:22  


摘 要



关键词:福耀玻璃 股权结构 公司治理

Influence of Ownership Structure on Corporate Governance and Business Performance -- A Case Study of Fuyao Glass


The ownership structure is an important part of the governance framework of modern joint-stock companies and has a far-reaching and lasting influence on it. This project takes Fuyao Glass industry group co., ltd. as a sample to collect and analyze its public data since its listing, so as to explore the correlation between its shareholding structure and corporate governance and business performance.

In terms of content, based on the basic theories related to ownership structure and corporate governance, this paper first elaborates the theoretical relationship between ownership structure and corporate governance and business performance from three aspects: ownership concentration degree, corporate control right and shareholder group. Secondly, it summarizes the basic information of Fuyao Glass, such as its shareholding structure, shareholders' rights, organizational governance, information disclosure, board of directors and business performance. Then, from the horizontal and vertical perspectives, the data are compared with the changes of the auto parts industry and the auto parts industry over the years. In combination with the current market situation, several representative quantitative indicators are selected at last, and the correlation and regression analysis are carried out from the ownership property to the structure, and some Suggestions are put forward according to the results.

Key words: Fuyao Glass ; Ownership Structure ; Corporate Governance 目 录

摘 要 2

Abstract 3

第一章 引言 1

1.1基本问题和概念 1

1.2相关文献回顾 1

1.2.1股权集中度 1

1.2.2公司控制权 1

1.2.3持股人群体 2

1.3文献总结和评述 3

第二章 福耀玻璃的股权结构与公司治理 4

2.1股权结构 4

2.1.1机构投资者、证券交易所及其他中介机构 5

2.1.2控股股东 6

2.2公司治理及经营绩效 6

2.2.1股东权利和公平待遇 6

2.2.2组织治理结构 7

2.2.3信息披露与透明度 8

2.2.4董事会责任 8

2.2.5经营绩效 9

第三章 公司股权结构差异及影响因素 12

3.1股权结构差异 12

3.1.1汽车零部件行业股权结构 13

3.1.2福耀玻璃历年股权结构变化 14

3.2股权结构影响因素 16

第四章 数据分析 18

4.1样本选择 18

4.2变量定义 18

4.3股权结构与经营业绩相关关系 19

4.3.1法人股比例与公司业绩单因素分析 19

4.3.2流通股比例与公司业绩单因素分析 20

4.3.3 股权属性与公司绩效回归分析 20

4.4股权结构与公司治理相关关系 21

4.4.1第一大股东持股比例与公司治理效率单因素分析 21

4.4.2前5大股东持股比例与公司治理效率单因素分析 21

4.4.3股权集中度与公司治理相关分析 22

第五章 基本结论与建议 33

参考文献 34

致 谢 35

第一章 引言






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