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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2022-01-04 21:01:49  


摘 要



关键词:文化传媒 发展状况 创新发展策略 保障措施

Research on the Innovative Development Strategy of China's Cultural Media Company


The arrival of the Internet economy era has directly driven the rapid growth of China's cultural media industry, which has now rapidly developed into an important part of China's society and national economy. On the basis of in-depth analysis and research on relevant documents and materials, this paper expounds the development status of China's cultural media companies. According to the relevant enterprise innovation management theory, this paper discusses the innovation theory and methods of products and services of cultural media companies in our country, and formulates detailed innovation development strategies from the three major levels of government, enterprise exterior and enterprise interior, and then puts forward a series of corresponding guarantee measures for the implementation of innovation development strategies.

This paper holds that the fundamental goal of company innovation is to innovate the company's products and services and provide customers with better quality products and services. In terms of investment in innovation, the company should increase the cultivation and accumulation of innovative and technical talents in enterprises, enhance the effective investment of enterprise funds in new business development, and further increase the support and incentive for enterprise technological innovation. At the same time, the government should also play its due role in providing a series of preferential and supportive policies for cultural media related enterprises to create a good market environment. In addition, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the innovative development strategy, this paper also puts forward a series of safeguard management measures, such as actively improving the construction of the management leading group, designing an effective internal control system, actively building a distinctive corporate culture, establishing smooth channels of information communication, strengthening the evaluation of the implementation effect of the innovative development strategy, etc.

Key words: Cultural media;Development status; Innovative development strategies; Safeguard measures

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2研究思路和内容 1

1.2.1 研究思路 1

1.2.2 研究的基本内容 2

1.3 研究方法 2

第二章 相关理论综述 3

2.1 文化传媒的概念 3

2.2 相关理论及研究现状 3

2.2.1 产品创新理论 4

2.2.2 服务创新理论 4

2.2.3 研究现状 4

第三章 我国文化传媒公司简述及行业发展现状 6

3.1 我国文化传媒公司简述 6

3.2 我国文化传媒行业发展现状 6

第四章 我国文化传媒行业及公司存在的问题 7

4.1 行业整体规模仍然较小 7

4.1.1在GDP中占比较小 7

4.1.2起步较晚 7

4.1.3国民消费水平不足 7

4.2 市场成熟度不高 7

4.2.1受多头监管和管制 7

4.2.2市场管理缺失 7

4.2.3市场垄断现象严重 8

4.3 创新能力水平较低,产品同质化现象严重 8

4.3.1缺乏创新创意 8

4.3.2创新人才缺失 8

第五章 我国文化传媒公司创新发展的战略制定 10

5.1 政府层面 10

5.1.1构建完善的产业市场布局 10

5.1.2出台利好的经济政策 10

5.1.3充分发挥政府职能 10

5.2 企业外部 11

5.2.1进行产业融合 11

5.2.2开展校企合作 11

5.3 企业内部 12

5.3.1进行技术、人才和资本改革 12

5.3.2实现产品与服务创新 13

5.3.3进行风险防范管理 13

第六章 创新策略实施的保障措施 14

6.1 完善管理领导小组的构建 14

6.2 设计有效的内部控制体系 14

6.3 积极建设具有特色的企业文化 14

6.4 建立顺畅的信息沟通渠道 14

6.5 加强创新发展策略实施效果的评估 15

结束语 16

参考文献 17

致 谢 18

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义




1.2.1 研究思路



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