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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2021-10-14 20:52:38  

摘 要

随着经济的增长,国民收入的提高,消费者对零食的需求保持着高速的增长,从2004年到2014年,全国休闲食品行业年产值从1931.38亿元,增长到9050.18亿元(《中国传统特色小品类休闲食品行业发展现状及趋势研究(2014)》)。零食行业蓬勃发展的同时,也面临许多挑战,从外部看,零食零售企业的竞争已经进入红海阶段,同质化严重,价格战趋于激烈,从内部看,许多传统零食企业缺少系统的营销策略,其发展仍是处于粗犷的阶段,随着零食行业竞争趋于白热化,利润下降,顾客流失,这将直接影响企业的生存;另外,有些零食零售企业缺少现代化的管理手段,目前停留在“人制”的阶段,从长期看,这也会影响经营的效率, 与大多数零食零售企业形成对比的是,良品铺子,其成立于2006年,截止至2015年,其销售额已经达到45亿元,线下店面已开设超过1800家。其成功的快速发展有其内在的逻辑,针对前文所述的问题,本文以良品铺子为案例,分别分析其现行经营业态和营销策略,从中总结经验,给正面临问题的零食零售企业一些启示。




With economic growth, national income increased and consumer demand for snacks maintain growth. From 2004 to 2014, the national snack food industry from 193.138 billion yuan in output value, up to 905.018 billion yuan . Meanwhile snack industry in highly growth, the snack company also face challenges, Externally, the competitive snack retailers have entered the Red Sea stage homogeneity, price wars grew more intense, from the inside, many traditional snacks lack of systematic marketing strategy, its development is still in rough stages, with the snack industry competition heating up, profits down, loss of customers, which will directly affect the survival of enterprises; in addition, some snacks retail enterprises lack modern management tools, now stands in the “human management” process. By contrast with the most retailers, LiangPin shop , which was established in 2006, as of 2015, its sales have reached 4.5 billion yuan, the line store opened 1800.The rapid development of its success has its own internal logic, for the problem mentioned above, this paper will analysis the current business formats and marketing strategy, and sum up experience which will solve some problem that the retailers face.

the main contents are as follows: though review Theories about the evolution of the format, location and business model sort lay a solid theoretical foundation for the later; from the business model, store forms, supply chain management and operations of these four aspects of Ichiban shop current business conditions were analyze and identify the impact of the current business conditions for the rapid development of Ichiban shop; from the positioning strategy, product strategy and pricing strategies yield three aspects shop marketing strategy research; summarize Liangpin shop to enlightenment snack shop retail business:(1) through the strengthening of information technology, solve the low supply chain efficiency problems; (2) through strengthening standardization of construction, to provide continuous quality service; (3) through the strengthening system and process of construction, to ensure product quality and taste; (4) through improving the customer experience, increase customer stickiness; (5) through precise positioning, to find a suitable location; (5) through the use and location to match the marketing strategy, establish their own image..

Key words: snacks retail; formats; marketing strategy

目 录

摘 要 II

Abstract III

目 录 II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的目的和意义 1

1.1.1 研究目的 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 零售业态的概念与分类 2

1.2.2 业态演进理论 2

1.2.3 定位理论 5

1.2.4 商业模式理论 6

1.3 研究的主要内容和方法 7

1.3.1 研究的内容 7

1.3.2 研究的方法 7

第2章 良品铺子的经营业态分析 8

2.1 良品铺子现行经营业态 8

2.1.1 商业模式 8

2.1.2 店铺形态 8

2.1.3 供应链模式 9

2.1.4 运营管理 10

2.2 良品铺子现行经营业态动因分析 11

2.2.1 基于消费者需求 11

2.2.2 基于竞争 12

2.2.3 基于技术创新 13

2.3 现行经营业态对良品铺子快速扩张的影响 13

2.3.1 O2O模式对良品铺子快速扩张的影响 13

2.3.2 供应链管理对良品铺子快速扩张的影响 14

2.3.3 信息化、标准化对良品铺子快速扩张的影响 14

2.3.4 “掌柜责任承包制”对良品铺子快速扩张的影响 14

第3章 良品铺子的营销策略 15

3.1 定位策略 15

3.1.1 找位 15

3.1.2 选位 15

3.1.3 到位 16

3.2 产品策略 17

3.2.1 新产品研发策略 17

3.2.2 产品组合策略 17

3.3 价格策略 18

3.3.1 良品铺子的定价策略 18

3.3.2 良品铺子的定价依据 18

第4章 良品铺子经营业态与营销策略对于现行零售业的启示 19

4.1 良品铺子经营业态对于现行零售业的启示 19

4.1.1 加强信息化建设 19

4.1.2 加强标准化建设 19

4.1.3 从制度上和流程上确保产品质量 19

4.1.4 提高客户体验 20

4.2 良品铺子营销策略对于现行零售业的启示 20

4.2.1精准的定位 20

4.2.2 采用符合定位的营销策略 20

第5章 结论 21

参考文献 22

致 谢 1

附 录 2

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的目的和意义

1.1.1 研究目的



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