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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2021-06-08 00:55:13  

摘 要

Abstract II

1.绪论 1

1.1目的及意义(含国内外的研究现状分析) 1

1.2研究内容 2

1.3研究思路及方法 3

2.薪酬设计的相关理论 5

2.1理论 5

2.2建立薪酬体系的一般设计原则 6

2.3 薪酬模式的选择 7

3.企业事业部薪酬体系现状 9

3.1 企业介绍 9

3.2事业部项目负责人薪酬体系现状及存在的问题 10

3.2.1 事业部项目负责人薪酬满意度调查分析 10

3.2.2事业部项目负责人战略薪酬管理的现状 11

3.2.3事业部关于项目负责人战略薪酬管理中存在的问题分析 11

3.3针对项目负责人薪酬体系优化设计的必要性 13

4.针对事业部项目负责人薪酬体系优化设计 14

4.1 优化设计方案 14

4.1.1年薪方案报酬结构 14

4.1.2事业部项目负责人年薪水平的确定 14

4.13年薪中基薪与效益薪比例的确定 15

4.1.4事业部项目负责人考核指标的确立 16

4.1.5收益分配机制 17

4.2 实施及建议 18

4.2.1保证薪酬体系实施的公平性 18

4.2.2 建立相配套的绩效考核体系 19

4.2.3 完善双向沟通机制,以保证新薪酬制度落实 19

5.结论 20

参考文献 21

致谢 22






Compensation system always plays an indispensable role in attracting and retaining talents, and forming the core competitive. The design and management of compensation system, directly concerns the success or failure of human resource strategy. Perfect compensation management is advantageous to management strategy and corporate culture. It can also enhance core values and motivate employees to work harder and create more value.

In line with the performance of companies in the industry, and through the comparison of the different salary situation between the project leaders in BU in the same position, the same industry and in the same area, the paper has set the direction and the degree for the average salary. At the same time, according to the culture, the paper has differentiated the annual remuneration of those business unit leaders and explained the different methods. In this way, the paper has set the degree and level of different business unit on the premise of the internal fairness. In addition, through combining the characteristics of company and the different responsibilities of the business unit leaders, the paper has established an evaluation index system in line with the phased development characteristics. At the same time, the paper has predicted the problems that may arise in the process of the assessing and put forward the corresponding countermeasures.

Key Words: project leaders in BU; Compensation system; Annual Salary System






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