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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2021-05-25 23:27:05  

摘 要





关键字:图书馆发展 城镇化建设 相关性 回归分析 生态系统


With the advent of the Internet era, the library is facing a severe development situation. How to survive and develop in the new social ecological environment is the key problem of the library. In addition, in recent years, China's urbanization process continues to accelerate, the scale of urbanization gradually expansion is the inevitable requirement of the development of urbanization, in the process of urbanization, the library plays an important role and the construction of library development and urbanization are closely related.

In this background, this paper studies the correlation between library development and urbanization construction from the perspective of ecology. Firstly, according to the research background and present situation, this paper puts forward the purpose and significance of this study, and through reading the related literature of the library and the urbanization, forming a literature review, and puts forward the research hypothesis and research methods. Then, respectively for the library development and urbanization construction, design the respective index system, and according to the representation and data can be obtained in principle, from the index system selected indicators on behalf of, and collect the various indicators 2000-2014 years data. Finally using SPSS software, correlation analysis and regression analysis of the index data, has conducted the thorough research on the relationship between library development and urbanization construction, to verify the research hypothesis and establish the multiple regression equation. According to the results of the analysis to make a few suggestions.

This paper mainly studies the relevance of the public library development and urbanization construction in the ecological perspective .Through the Pearson correlation analysis and the regression equation of the indexes established by regression analysis ,to quantitative analysis the relationship between the library and the urbanization . The research results show that there is a significant positive correlation between the indicators of library development and urbanization, and the regression equation shows that the index of urbanization has a positive impact on the index of the library

The research results of this paper have certain directive significance on the policy making of the development of the library and the construction of urbanization. According to the analysis results, the author makes some policy suggestions, hoping to make a better decision for the government to promote the healthy development of the public library, and promote the scientific development of urbanization.

Key Words: Library development ;Urbanization construction; Relevance; Regression analysis; Ecosystem

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及目的意义 1

1.2 文献综述 2

1.3 相关概念介绍及研究假设 5

1.3.1 相关概念介绍 5

1.3.2 研究假设 5

1.4 研究内容与技术方案 6

第2 章 指标体系设计 8

2.1 图书馆发展指标体系设计 8

2.2 城镇化建设指标体系设计 9

第3章 指标选取及数据搜集 10

3.1 图书馆发展指标选取及数据搜集 10

3.1.1 图书馆发展指标选取 10

3.1.2 图书馆发展指标数据搜集 10

3.2 城镇化建设指标选取及数据搜集 10

3.2.1 城镇化建设指标选取 10

3.2.2 城镇化建设指标数据搜集 11

第4章 实证研究 13

4.1 相关性分析 13

4.1.1 相关分析的概念及运算 13

4.1.2 图书馆发展与城镇化建设相关性分析(H1假设验证) 13

4.2回归分析 16

4.2.1 回归分析的概念及运算 16

4.2.2 图书馆指标与城镇化指标回归分析 16

第5 章 结束语 25

5.1 研究成果 25

5.1.1 主要研究成果 25

5.1.2 主要研究结论 25

5.2 政策建议 26

5.3 研究不足及未来展望 27

参考文献 29

致谢 31

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及目的意义

2016年1月22日,中国互联网络信息中心发布了第37次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》。《报告》显示,截至2015年12月,中国网民规模达6.88亿,互联网普及率达到50.3%,半数中国人已接入互联网。由于互联网的快速普及,大多数人开始选择在线阅读的读书方式,在线阅读已极为普遍。在线阅读的普及,使得图书馆的地位发生改变,预计到2020 年,我国数字出版和纸质出版将会出现平分天下的局面。在这网络快速发展的时代,由于网络搜索引擎的快速发展,读者可以在虚拟的网络环境中搜寻到各类信息,传统的图书馆已经不能满足读者的要求。在此情况下,图书馆必须重新思考自己在新的环境中的角色与定位,进而思索如何应对来自各方的挑战,明确未来努力的方向,在激烈的生态环境中取得生存与发展。


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