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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2021-05-18 23:23:16  

摘 要

Abstract V

第1章 绪论 1

1.1论文研究目的及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3研究内容与研究方法 1

1.4本文的创新之处 2

第2章 国内速冻食品行业发展现状 3

2.1速冻食品的定义 3

2.2速冻食品的行业特点 3

2.3国内速冻食品行业发展概况 4

第3章 速冻食品行业中存在的问题——以三全为例 5

3.1食品安全问题 5

3.2冷链物流的滞后问题 5

3.3 市场调查不足 6

3.4产品线单一 6

3.5行业创新缺失,抄袭严重 7

3.6品牌战略还需提升 7

3.7对经销商的管理不规范 8

第4章 国外先进经验及对国内速冻食品行业发展的启示 9

4.1美国速冻食品发展先进经验 9

4.2日本速冻食品企业先进经验 9

第5章 速冻食品行业发展对策建议——以三全为例 11

5.1 建立健全食品安全监督机制 11

5.2 加强产品的研发创新 11

5.3 加强市场调查 11

5.4优化品牌策略 12

5.5从集中生产转变为“产地销”模式 12

5.6加强对经销商的管理 13

5.7将网络营销与传统的营销手段结合 13

第6章 总结与展望 14

致 谢 15

参考文献 16

摘 要




In recent years, quick-frozen food maintained a trend of rapid development. Frozen-food industry related research situation, followed by analysis of the domestic frozen food industry development and the status quo, and from multiple perspectives on the current domestic frozen food industry situation analysis, and finds out the existing problems: the problem of environment in the industry as a whole, enterprises in the industry's own development strategy and the domestic frozen food industry distribution channels problem, we can come to our need to foreign frozen food industry more developed countries to learn. And then analyzed the frozen food industry is relatively developed in the United States and Japan, through the analysis of their development process and the current situation, find out the development experience and inspiration, pointed out the of our domestic frozen food industry to reform the enlightenment and reference. After understanding the domestic frozen food industry needs from which aspects to adjust and change, this paper presents itself for the domestic frozen food industry to better development suggestions and Countermeasures: rich kinds of products, directly and consumer communication, development of fast food industry, carry out network marketing, implementation of "pin of origin" mode and so on. It is hoped that these suggestions can be of some positive significance to the future development of the frozen food industry in China.

KEY WORDS: Quick-frozen food industry; Enterprise Strategy; channel of distribution; Food safety

第1章 绪论







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