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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2021-03-10 23:25:12  

摘 要



关键字:库存优化 区域库存管理 核心企业主导库存管理


In recent years, the development of technology as well as models in all walks of life can be described as "changing with each passing day". Our social outlook and content of life have changed dramatically,efficiency have been improved step by step. In this era of information explosion, enterprises not only need to get the financial, material and human resources support, focusing on the strategic layout, need more "overnight", The research of logistics and supply chain management as well as it’s application of technology and the exploration of its pattern have received unprecedented attention. In the process of gradually gaining market position and eliminating traditional clothing brands, fast fashion brands are also faced with many improvements and optimizations, as well as threats from competitors. The core competitiveness of fast fashion brand comes from its excellent supply chain model, research of technology reform and management theory always brings new opportunities for the fast fashion supply chain optimization. Based on the logistics 、information flow and capital flow data processing, the fast fashion supply chain faced with new challenges and opportunities, at the same time, these three kinds of data flow in the process, formed a close contact and integration. In the face of diverse market demand and regional consumption habits, establish inventory management area, the effective use of the resources of the enterprise, the supply chain information management system based on the introduction of inventory management in enterprise operation, realize the visualization of inventory management, timely inventory allocation. Through the inventory labels, to the market to control the depth of information, the economic scale of supply chain is no longer limited to the static model, but the market information and consumer behavior based on the dynamic economies of scale to build a more contact with capital operation, market value.

In this paper, a fast fashion supply chain inventory optimization research aims to construct the integrated inventory management scheme, especially the application of virtual inventory

information, will break the traditional concept of stock in time and space constraints, which can balance the different regional inventory risk, symmetrical and can realize the information flow and material flow, reduce the implied demand uncertainty, providing intelligent and customized products and services.

Key words:Inventory optimization; regional inventory management; core enterprise; lead inventory management


摘要 2

第一章. 绪论 1

1.1快时尚服装行业发展现状及其趋势 1

1.2 国内外供应链管理研究现状 3

1.3研究目的及意义 4

1.4论文结构 5

第二章.解读快时尚供应链库存优化 6

2.1供应链库存管理相关理论 6

2.2快时尚库存管理决策内容 7

2.3快时尚供应链库存管理模式和技术 8

第三章.快时尚尚供应链库存优化的症结 10

3.1 服装企业供应链体系变革 10

3.1.1 我国服装企业供应链模式问题 10

3.1.2快时尚供应链库存优化的挑战和机遇 10

3.2 成功快时尚供应链库存优化探索 11

3.3 快时尚供应链信息传递效率对库存优化的影响 12

3.4 线上线下模式下快时尚服装品牌供应链重构建的问题 14

第四章. 快时尚供应链库存优化设计 15

4.1核心企业主导的库存管理 15

4.2降低不确定性和提高经济性的库存优化 16

4.2.1 快时尚库存不确定性和经济性管理的目的 16

4.2.2 快时尚库存经济性和不确定性管理优化策略 17

4.3区域库存管理中心的建设 19

第五章. 总结与展望 22

5.1快时尚供应链库存管理的启示 22

5.2供应链库存管理的延伸 22

参考文献 24

致谢 25

第一章. 绪论



纵观近几年快时尚服装行业在我国的发展,可以概括为比较乐观。很多关于快时尚服装行业的论文、期刊、杂志,无一不用引入些许客观数据然后用“迅猛”一词来形容快时尚服装行业在中国的发展趋势。但快时尚服装行业的发展趋势不适合用类似于“迅猛”一词来形容。快时尚产生的基础是服装行业物流与供应链管理水平的进步,服装行业在全世界的发展可以说是伴随着人类文明贯穿古今,而快时尚只是服装行业的一隅。但这一隅却是厚积薄发才形成的,所以这一隅的光芒十分耀眼。快时尚服装行业在2006年进入中国,直至近些年来,才逐渐成熟,其非理性繁荣之势才开始散退,近乎十年之久。当然这与其行业特性相关。而其他新兴行业的发展:智能手机,在中国大概从2012年开始发展,到2013年开始爆发性的增长,2016年其非理性繁荣开始消退,直至今天,其行业形式已趋于稳定,该淘汰的品牌都被淘汰了,行业壁垒也已经形成,五年时间发展而已;互联网 下的共享单车、共享汽车的发展更为迅猛。如此看来,快时尚的发展不是夸张的“迅猛”,快时尚的发展相对更为稳重。而快时尚的数据表现出的“迅猛”之势也很容易理解,国际大品牌引入快时尚这一经营理念后产生的数据表现,纵使不用快时尚,更为准确地说,即使消费者不知道这些品牌是快时尚品牌,在中国经济环境下,这些数据依旧有这种“迅猛”之势。当然,在这里并非要诟病快时尚,大型企业引入快时尚的经营理念也必然是快时尚带来的巨大利益所驱动。之所以要大费周章的阐明,快时尚的发展,在新兴行业里,属于相对稳重的发展,是为了让大家更准确的认识快时尚、理解快时尚、定位快时尚。

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