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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2020-05-24 12:16:17  

摘 要





关键词: 小企业 创新发展 模式 机制

Development of small business innovation research model and mechanism --at home and abroad Comparative Perspective


Small businesses as national economic system, an important part of its rise and fall is directly related to the quality of life of the people. In contemporary economic development in all countries, small enterprises have to increase employment opportunities and stimulate the country's economic growth, entrepreneurship, increase market competitiveness and so on. Support innovation and the development of small enterprises, to create a good space for development, small businesses play in driving regional economic development, the new era is to implement the scientific concept of development and building a harmonious society, the need to promote economic growth. To this end the establishment of the innovation in order to promote the development of small enterprises as the core of policies to help small business development, to a certain extent, these policies to promote innovation and development of small businesses. However, due to research-related policy design concepts, principles, methods and operational mechanism is not mature, our small businesses there are also inadequate enterprise technology innovation ability, lack of incentives for innovation and investment in insufficient funding problems. Our established many small businesses support policy is still far did not reach the desired results.

Foreign government has taken many innovative ways to promote the development of small businesses, the government in the innovation and development of small enterprises to provide financial support, innovation and development for small businesses to create a social environment, but also focuses on cultivating creative talents. Small businesses are also government to help its own innovation and development, actively in-house management system reform, encourage enterprises to carry out technological innovation and development staff.

This article first understand the importance of innovation and development, the use of literature review method in understanding, summed innovative development model and mechanism of foreign success, innovation and development of small enterprises is after our results provide a theoretical support. By comparing support measures and practices of foreign innovation development of small businesses, found that the government and the lack of internal promotion of innovation in the development of small business issues. Innovation and development of small business advice and suggestions.

After the comparative study found that foreign governments on innovation and development of small businesses give a great help, such as the practice of taking a series of tax incentives, support, and financing on; the internal implementation of innovative personnel incentives to improve the organization within the enterprise organizational structure and other practices. Therefore, from the aspect of government, society and enterprises themselves, financial institutions, schools and research institutes to help the development of innovative small businesses. Enterprises should focus on a particular mode of production, an alliance between the companies to carry out industrial clusters, but also in institutional property and organizational innovation. In order to promote innovation and the development of small businesses.

Key Words:Small Business;Innovation Development. Model. Mechanism

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract III

目 录 V

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

第二章 小企业相关概念的界定 3

2.1 国外小企业的界定 3

2.2 我国小企业的界定 4

第三章 国外小企业创新发展的模式与机制 5

3.1 欧盟各国中有代表性的小企业创新发展模式与机制 5

3.1.1 德国小企业创新发展的模式与机制 5

3.1.2 法国小企业创新发展的模式与机制 6

3.1.3 英国小企业创新发展的模式与机制 6

3.2 美国小企业创新发展的模式与机制 7

3.3 日本小企业创新发展的模式与机制 8

3.4 台湾小企业创新发展的模式与机制 9

3.5 东南亚各国中有代表性的小企业创新发展模式与机制 10

3.5.1 新加坡小企业创新发展的模式与机制 10

3.5.2 马来西亚小企业创新发展的模式与机制 11

3.6 韩国小企业创新发展的模式与机制 11

第四章 当前我国在小企业在创新发展上遇到的问题 13

4.1 我国小企业的特点 13

4.2 我国小企业在创新方面的不足 13

4.2.1 外部因素 14

4.2.2 内部因素 14

4.3 我国小企业创新发展的可行性 15

第五章 我国小企业创新发展的思路 16

5.1 我国的小企业创新发展的战略 16

5.2 创新发展的方式 16

5.2.1 产权制度上的创新 17

5.2.2 组织制度上的创新 17

5.3 促进小企业创新发展的具体措施 17

5.3.1 政府层面上的措施 17

5.3.2 学校和研究所层面 18

5.3.3 企业层面 18

5.3.4 金融机构层面 18

5.3.5 社会层面 19

第六章 结语 20

6.1 结论与不足 20

6.1.1结论 20

6.1.2 不足 20



第一章 绪论


1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究意义


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