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 2021-11-06 20:29:46  

摘 要


(1)搭建实验环境和实验设备。结合惯性测量单元(Inertial Measurement Unit,IMU),采集人体下肢在平地行走、上楼、下楼这三种不同运动模式下的传感器数据,筛选出相关性较大的传感器数据。






With the progress of science and people's desire to enhance their own ability, the research of wearable lower extremity exoskeleton assisted robot has become a hot topic nowadays. It integrates the key robot technologies such as detection, control and information interaction, which can effectively improve their personal ability and efficiency. Therefore, the accuracy of the robot is required to be high, and the accurate and reliable recognition of human motion mode is an important prerequisite to ensure the exoskeleton robot can work well. With the continuous progress of artificial intelligence technology in recent years, it has become a research hotspot to improve the ability of human motion pattern recognition through artificial intelligence. In this paper, Bayesian classifier is used to recognize three kinds of motion modes of human lower limbs: walking on the ground, going upstairs and going downstairs

  1. Set up the experimental environment and equipment. Combined with the inertial measurement unit (IMU), the sensor data of human lower limbs in the three different motion modes of walking on the ground, going upstairs and going downstairs are collected, and the sensor data with high correlation is screened out.
  2. Preprocess the data. Remove the obvious abnormal data points, make the sensor data have no mutation on the time axis, or smooth the data. Analyze the sensor data of three kinds of motion modes: walking on the ground, going upstairs and going downstairs, select the feature data that can reflect the state of motion, classify the feature data, and make the training samples and test data needed for Bayesian classifier training.
  3. Design Bayesian classifier. Based on the naive Bayes theory, using the Bayes discriminant function, the naive Bayes algorithm program is written, and the training set data is used to train the Bayes classifier, test the recognition accuracy of the trained Bayes classifier, analyze the recognition effect of the Bayes classifier and the recognition factors that affect the Bayes classifier.

The training results and test results of Bayesian classifier show that the classifier has a good recognition accuracy for three kinds of motion modes of human lower limb motion, i.e. walking on the ground, going upstairs and going downstairs.

Keywords: lower limb exoskeleton;pattern recognition;Bayesian classifier


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景、目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 3

1.3 研究内容 4

第2章 人体运动数据的采集 5

2.1 人体运动模式 5

2.1.1 下肢运动过程 5

2.1.2 步态的周期划分 5

2.2 下肢运动数据的采集 6

2.2.1 惯性测量单元 6

2.2.2 采集数据 7

2.2.3 特征提取 8

2.3数据处理分析 8

第3章 贝叶斯决策原理以及分类器的设计 10

3.1 贝叶斯决策理论的产生和发展 10

3.1.1 统计决策理论 10

3.1.2 贝叶斯决策 10

3.2 朴素贝叶斯算法 11

3.3 构造贝叶斯分类器 12

3.3.1 导入样本数据 12

3.3.2 朴素贝叶斯模型 13

3.3.3 数据训练 14

3.3.4 分类器构造结果 15

第4章 实验结果及分析 17

4.1 读取待识别数据 17

4.2 数据测试 18

4.3 计算每个点的识别结果 19

4.4 识别结果显示 19

4.5 识别结果分析 19

第5章 总结与展望 22

参考文献 23

致谢 25

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景、目的及意义

模式识别技术虽然诞生较计算机和人工智能等技术早,但在计算机和人工智能技术的推动下,模式识别(Pattern Recognition,PR)技术才成为近些年科研领域中的重点研究对象。由于其具备的许多关键的研究理论和技术,同时也极大的推动了人工智能的发展和计算机在各个方面的应用,因此它在许多科学和技术领域中得到了广泛的重视,并且在逐步的成为近年来的研究热点。


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