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 2021-11-06 20:14:45  

摘 要









Under the background of Information Age, the storage management system of medical equipment is also reforming toward information and intelligence. This not only improves the business operation ability of the enterprise, but also makes its service efficiency and market competitiveness get further development.There are already some warehouses that use warehouse management systems to replace manual management. However, due to some reasons, manual warehouse management currently accounts for a large proportion of warehouse management.

For an enterprise that produces medical equipment, in addition to the design and manufacture of advanced medical equipment, how to carry out inventory and sales, and how to maximize the optimal use of funds, these problems are faced by enterprise development.

Starting from the needs of medical equipment storage management, design a storage management system that adapts to the development of the medical industry. According to the actual situation, bar code technology is used in the system design to realize the data collection and information management of medical equipment in and out of the warehouse, and to query, inventory, and use information in real time.

The system is based on the B / S model, using JAVA technology and MySQL database technology to establish a medical equipment storage management system. Eclipse and Java as Development Platform and development language respectively, with Mysql as the system database for development. According to its information management for enterprise warehouses, the main applications are modules for in-out management, inventory management, customer management, and business data query..

Using the web technology of HTML, javascript and CSS, the design and implementation of the client-side user interface of the Warehouse Management System is completed. In the system function realization, each module can complete its design goal. Using JDBC technology to realize the connection with MySQL database. In the design and realization of the function, the equipment can record, modify, delete and query the information of the equipment in the management of the in-out warehouse. In the inventory management, the change of the real-time inventory quantity of the warehouse is recorded. In customer management, record customer information and update customer information at any time.

In the system test, according to the final test results show that the medical equipment warehouse management system initially completed the target.

Key Words: Warehouse management system; B / S;MySQL


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景及意义 1

1.1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

第2章 医疗设备仓储管理系统分析 4

2.1 开发环境与技术 4

2.1.1 Java语言 4

2.1.2 JSP技术 4

2.1.3 MySQL数据库技术 4

2.1.4 B/S架构 4

2.2 医疗设备仓储管理系统架构 6

2.3 系统功能需求分析 6

2.4 本章小结 6

第3章 系统设计 7

3.1 设计目标 7

3.2 总体结构设计 7

3.3 数据库设计 8

3.3.1 E-R图设计 9

3.3.2 数据表设计 9

3.4 本章小结 11

第4章 仓储管理系统详细设计与实现 12

4.1 页面设计与实现 12

4.1.1 用户登录界面 13

4.1.2 主界面 13

4.1.3 其他功能界面 14

4.2 系统功能设计与实现 14

4.2.1 用户登录模块 14

4.2.2 入库管理功能实现 16

4.2.3 设备出库管理功能实现 18

4.2.4 设备库存管理功能实现 19

4.2.5 数据库连接 20

4.3 本章小结 21

第5章 系统测试 22

5.1 系统功能测试 22

5.2 系统测试分析 25

5.3 本章小结 25

第6章 总结与展望 26

6.1 研究总结 26

6.2 展望 26

参考文献 27

致谢 28

第1章 绪论






在以上这些社会的背景之下,我决定开始做这个系统。此系统不仅能够节省一定的人力物力,而且对企业中仓库的管理是很方便的。传统仓库管理系统在使用时,存在各种各样问题,比如说其查询效率不高等。 因此,对于一家想要成长的公司而言,这并不是理想的。

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