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 2021-11-05 19:21:42  

摘 要






With the rapid growth of artificial intelligence and machine vision, the application of artificial intelligence technology and related algorithms in various industries is increasing, which has also been widely used in the medical field. At present, mobile devices such as mobile phones are also equipped with research capabilities for machine vision and image processing. Combining deep learning technology with mobile image processing technology is also a hot spot for current development.

In medical work, intravenous infusion is currently the most commonly used adjuvant treatment. The drip rate of intravenous infusion has an significant influence on the treatment effect. In the process of infusion treatment for patients, the hospital needs to select the appropriate intravenous infusion rate according to the patient's condition and infusion drugs. In actual operation, medical personnel need to control the roller on the infusion tube according to own experience, adjust the size of the infusion flow to change the drip rate, so that not only the detection speed is slow, but the detection result is not accurate enough. At present, domestic and foreign countries widely use embedded technology, sensor technology and Internet of Things technology to automatically monitor the speed and liquid level of venous infusion, extensive research has been done on the system for alarming abnormal transfusion.However, these devices are expensive, easily damaged and not portable. There are still defects in practical applications. In addition, these systems rely heavily on one or more features to distinguish droplet images. To accurately identify droplets, a large number of image processing algorithms such as filtering, template matching, and graying are required. It is not an easy task, so the calculation of the drip rate of intravenous infusion needs to be improved in terms of cost and processing method.

So as to deal with the above problems, this paper proposes a fast measurement method of mobile terminal drip velocity based on deep learning. In this method, deep learning algorithm is used to identify droplets, this paper builds a rich sample data set and uses these data sets to train the droplet classification model.Besides abundant comparative experiments are conducted to select the most suitable model for transplantation to the Android terminal, achieving the application of the neural network on the mobile side. In app development, in order to accurately identify droplets, this article processes the image data of each preview frame through threads and then recognizes them.After that calculates the drip rate according to the recognition results and displays them on the screen. Finally, this article realizes a droplet velocity calculation system based on Android. The test results show that the system has fast running speed,stability andhigh accuracy.

Keywords: deep learning; image classification; mobile terminal; drip rate calculation

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 静脉滴速测量研究现状 2

1.2.2 神经网络模型在移动端的应用 2

1.3论文主要内容及章节安排 3

1.3.1研究内容 3

1.3.2章节安排 3

第2章 深度学习理论基础 5

2.1 图像分类模型基础 5

2.1.1 深度学习框架选择 5

2.1.2 MobileNetV2模型介绍 5

2.2 模型训练相关知识 6

2.2.1 ReLU激活函数 6

2.2.2过拟合 6

2.3 本章小结 7

第3 章 深度学习算法设计 8

3.1样本采集与处理 8

3.2 模型建立 10

3.3 深度学习训练细节 10

3.4 结果与分析 12

3.5 本章小节 14

第4章 移动端功能实现 15

4.1 系统需求分析与概要设计 15

4.2 系统详细设计与实现 16

4.2.1调用摄像头实时预览 16

4.2.2帧数据处理 16

4.2.3 图像识别 18

4.2.4 滴速计算 19

4.3总体执行流程 21

4.4本章小结 21

第5章 系统设计与结果分析 22

5.1 系统运行及测试 22

5.2 液滴滴速测量 24

5.3本章小结 26

第6章 总结与展望 27

6.1 本文总结 27

6.2 展望 27

参考文献 29

致谢 30

第1章 绪论



医院在对病人进行输液治疗过程中, 一般静脉输液的滴速为30~60滴/分钟,不同年龄患者静脉输液的滴速有别,成人滴速一般为40-60滴/分,小孩和老年人身体机能差,滴速不应该过快,通常不超过20-40滴/分[1]。实际中需要根据患者病情和输液药物选择适合病人的输液滴速。静脉输液的药物通常含有大量水分,当这些水分逐渐进入血液时,人体稳态系统就会自动调节,将一些多余的水分通过肾脏排出体外。若输液滴速过快,稳态系统来不及调节,水分就会大量流入血液中,进而加据心脏的负担,会造成头晕呕吐等“输液反应”。当药物浓度过高时,会使其流经处的血液浓度上升,这样很容易使静脉受到刺激,严重的会造成“ 静脉炎”。如果患者心功能不全,还会导致心力衰竭,甚至“过敏”乃至“休克”。若输液速度过慢,血液中的药物浓度低于有效治疗浓度,达不到治疗和急救的效果。

目前, 临床输液基本都采用输液瓶或输液袋夹带茂菲氏管的一次性输液管路,借助大气压力和液体自重将药物输入患者体内。监控方式主要采用传统的人工监控的方式,当输液开始后,需要医护人员根据自身的医护经验控制机械式的滑轮压缩输液管调节输液流量的大小以此来改变滴速。不仅检测速度慢,检测结果也不够精确[2]。输液过程中的状态完全靠患者自己观察和护士巡查,而且输液耗时较多,白天夜晚均可进行,在现场工作中,需要医护人员不断的监测滴管以及及时拔针,避免输液带来的危害。这给患者以及医护工作人员带来了沉重的负担。因此采用新的更加智能的方法实现静脉输液自动测速对于临床治疗具有重要意义。

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