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 2021-11-04 21:02:15  

摘 要


  1. 预处理设计,设计了弱信号输入的前置处理电路,可以灵活方便的为弱信号去除一部分噪声,使信号后续易于检测;
  2. 24位高精度ADC采集设计,用高精度的ADC完成信号的模数转换,使模拟信号转换为更易于观察和处理的数字信号;
  3. 基于STM32的处理与控制系统,运用STM32控制ADC采集,并处理经过采集后的数字信号,完成数字拟合,使测得的信号更接近原始值,并且配合信号的幅度输出占空比可调的PWM;
  4. 上位机显示设计,通过串口将STM32数据发送到PC上完成实时观测;
  5. 电流变送设计,STM32输出的PWM经过此模块转换为可远程传送的4-20mA电流信号。



The observation subtle physical changes such as temperature, humidity, light, etc. is often involved in industry. These physical changes are so small that high-precision sensors are required to complete the acquisition. Of course, sensor detection produces a very weak signal, which requires more sophisticated instruments and circuits to process and send this data, often referred to as transmitters. The processing and transmission of signals involves the application of hardware circuits, software algorithms, signal transmission and so on. Based on the application needs of industrial scene, the project described in this paper designs the design of the weak signal acquisition and transmitter with the microcontroller as the core, and has the characteristics of high precision, convenient monitoring, and easy handling of intelligence. It can be well used in many scenarios such as industrial sensor detection. This design mainly includes the following contents:

(1) Preprocessing design, designed the preprocessing circuit of weak signal input, which can remove part of noise for weak signal flexibly and conveniently, and make the signal easy to detect in the follow-up;

(2) 24-bit high-precision ADC acquisition design, with high-precision ADC to complete the signal modal conversion, so that analog signals converted to more easily observable and processing digital signals;

(3) Based on the processing and control system of STM32, the use of STM32 to control ADC acquisition, and the processing of the digital signal after acquisition, complete the digital fitting, so that the measured signal is closer to the original value, and with the amplitude output of the signal duty cycle adjustable PWM;

(4) The upper machine display design, via serial sending STM32 data to the PC for real-time observation;

(5) The current transmission design, the PWM of the STM32 output is converted from this module to a 4-20mA current signal that can be transmitted remotely.

Key Words:STM32;Weak Signal Acquisition; 4-20mA transmission; Upper machine display; 24-bit high-precision ADC

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 弱信号采集与变送的应用背景 1

1.2 国内外关于信号采集变送的研究现状 2

1.3 本设计的研究意义 3

第2章 弱信号采集系统的总体设计 1

2.1 弱信号采集系统设计的技术要求 1

2.2 弱信号采集系统的方案 1

2.2.1 弱信号采集系统模块划分 1

2.2.2 各模块的处理方案选定 1

第3章 弱信号采集系统硬件电路设计 1

3.1 硬件电路的总体设计 1

3.2 信号预处理模块设计 1

3.3 采集模块设计 2

3.4 STM32控制模块设计 4

3.5 变送模块的硬件电路设计 6

3.6电源电路的设计 7

3.6.1 24V到12V稳压设计 7

3.6.2 其他电压的稳压设计 8

第4章 弱信号采集系统软件部分设计 1

4.1 弱信号采集系统软件部分实现流程 1

4.2 采集模块的软件部分设计 2

4.2.1 对采集芯片SPI通信机制的分析 2

4.2.2 ADS1256寄存器的相关配置 1

4.2.3 ADS1256初始化的相关流程 1

4.2.4 ADS1256的电压采集流程 1

4.3 数据误差纠正的函数设计 2

4.4 电流变送模块的软件部分设计 2

第5章 弱信号采集系统设计的实物调试与验证 1

5.1 信号采集功能的验证 1

5.1.1 采集功能的验证思路与连接 1

5.1.2 直接测试与误差分析 2

5.1.3 误差纠正与结果验证 3

5.2 变送功能的验证 6

5.2.1 变送功能的验证思路与连接 6

5.2.2 变送功能结果验证 7

第6章 总结与展望 9

6.1 设计总结 9

6.2 工作展望 9

参考文献 10

致 谢 1

第1章 绪论

1.1 弱信号采集与变送的应用背景



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