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 2021-11-04 20:59:22  

摘 要






With the rapid development of modern and emerging electronic technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, as well as the wide application of computer technology and power electronic technology, its requirements for switching power supplies are getting higher and higher. Now switching power supplies are moving towards miniaturization, high power, intelligence, The direction of high frequency is developed. Miniaturization means smaller size and lighter weight. Especially the volume and weight of the switching power supply are determined by the size of the transformer. Therefore, an important part of the design of a switching power supply is the high-frequency transformer. Research design. At the same time, in order to solve the problem of high line ratio, low noise and low heat of switch power supply, soft switch technology is widely used in China at present, and its application in power supply is becoming more and more extensive. Aiming at these problems of switching power supply, this paper designs a full bridge phase-shifting switching power supply based on STM32.

This paper first introduces the development background of the full-bridge phase-shifting switching power supply, the research status at home and abroad, and the significance of the subject research. Then for the full bridge phase shift DC/DC converter working principle and key issues are analyzed in detail, and according to the specific power design requirements, the relevant parameters of the converter selection was studied, and the overall scheme was designed. Next, the hardware circuit of the full-bridge phase-shifting switch power supply is designed, and according to the hardware circuit diagram of the switch power supply, the relevant design of the software part of STM32 is completed.

In this paper, the proteus simulation software is used to carry out the simulation, and relevant tests and data analysis are carried out on the whole system.

Key Words:STM32;DC/DC converter; full-bridge phase-shift; Soft Switching Power Supply


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1本设计的背景及意义 1

1.2国内外开关电源的研究现状 1

1.3本设计主要研究内容 3

第2章 全桥移相开关电源方案设计与基本原理 5

2.1全桥移相开关电源方案设计 5

2.2电源主电路的选择 6

2.2.1 DC/DC 变换器逆变电路结构选择 6

2.2.2 DC/DC 变换器次级整流电路结构选择 9

2.2.3 DC/DC变换器的控制方式选择 11

2.3 电源软开关技术 13

2.4本章小结 14

第3章 全桥移相开关电源的主电路研究 15

3.1全桥移相开关电源的主电路组成和工作原理 15

3.2 全桥移相开关电源存在的问题 21

3.2.1 滞后桥臂ZVS实现条件分析 21

3.2.2 副边占空比丢失问题分析 21

3.3 本章小结 21

第4章 全桥移相开关电源的硬件电路设计 22

4.1 全桥移相开关电源硬件电路整体结构设计 22

4.2全桥移相开关电源主电路设计 22

4.2.1 高频变压器的设计 23

4.2.2 IGBT开关管的选择 24

4.2.3 电容电感的选择 24

4.2.4 次级滤波电路的选择 25

4.3全桥移相开关电源AC/DC电路设计 26

4.4全桥移相开关电源控制电路设计 27

4.5全桥移相开关电源辅助电源电路设计 28

4.6全桥移相开关电源PWM驱动电路设计 29

4.7全桥移相开关电源采样电路设计 30

4.8本章小结 30

第5章 全桥移相开关电源的软件设计 31

5.1全桥移相开关电源软件总体结构及开发环境 31

5.2全桥移相开关电源PWM中断子程序设计 33

5.3全桥移相开关电源LCD1602子程序设计 33

5.4本章小结 34

第6章 全桥移相开关电源的仿真及测试 35

6.1 全桥移相开关电源仿真 35

6.2本章小结 39

第7章 总结与展望 40

7.1设计总结 40

7.2研究的展望 40

参考文献 41

致谢 42

第1章 绪论





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