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 2021-04-12 21:08:58  

摘 要

随访是指医疗、科研工作中,医务工作者为进一步了解患者病情而使用的一种工作方式。医疗随访工作是医院日常工作中不可缺少的组成部分, 随着现代社会网络化大范围普及, 医疗行业信息化发展迅速展开, 通过使用随访记录卡来记录患者从入院到出院资料的传统随访方式越来越暴露出其效率低下的缺点。于是,各家医院依托现有的患者资料,纷纷和国内科技公司合作构建开发属于本医院特有的随访平台,以此提高患者的复诊率,并有助于树立医院的良好形象。

本医疗随访系统采用实现网络化实时在管理系统里面进行业务操作,采用B/S的方式,实现网络化的动态协同和快速响应,提高工作效率与管理服务质量水平。通过对随访管理系统的架构分析,设计和开发了医疗随访系统,包括患者管理,部门管理,权限管理和短信发送管理等核心模块,其中短信发送通过使用第三方短信平台提供的接口,实现了节日祝福、复诊通知分类短信的调度发送。系统的核心技术是通过Asp.Net技术完成基于B/S架构的随访医疗系统的设计,客户端主要使用HTML CSS JavaScript及相关技术实现。系统使用WEB技术、数据库技术、B/S系统结构等技术,开发出一套实用的医疗随访系统




Follow-up is a kind of work method used by medical workers to further understand patients' conditions in medical and scientific research work. Hospital medical follow-up work is an integral part of daily work, as the network widespread popularity in modern society, the health care industry and the rapid development of information technology, through the use of follow-up card to record the patients from hospital to hospital discharge data of traditional follow-up way increasingly exposed the shortcomings with low efficiency. So, hospitals rely on existing patient information, are technology companies and domestic cooperation building development belongs to this hospital follow-up platform, improving the return rate of the patients, and help to establish a good image of the hospital.

The medical follow-up system realizes network real-time operation in the management system, adopts the way of B/S, realizes the dynamic collaboration and quick response of the network, and improves the work efficiency and the management service quality level. The goal of this design is that the medical follow-up system can realize the real-time display of the patient information in the hospital network. The B/S framework is adopted to display the basic information of the patients, the doctor's information on the platform and the display of the hospital internal management and the results of the patient's examination. It is convenient for the hospital to monitor the patient's condition better and deal with the problem in time. The core technology of the system is the design of the follow-up medical system based on the B/S architecture through the Asp. Net technology. The client mainly uses the HTML CS S JavaS cript and related technologies. The system uses WEB technology, database technology and B/S system structure to develop a practical medical follow-up system.

Through analyzing the follow-up management system architecture, design and development of the medical follow-up system, including patient management, department management, rights management and core modules such as text messaging management, including text messages through the use of third party SMS platform provides interfaces, implements the holiday wishes, the classification of the appointment notice sent SMS scheduler.

Key words: ASP.NET,medical follow-up, B/S architecture, SMS platform


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题的背景及意义 1

1.2 课题的研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

1.3 本课题的研究内容与计划 3

第二章 系统需求分析 5

2.1功能需求 5

2.1.1需求概述 5

2.1.2 功能模块需求分析 6

2.2 其他需求 7

第三章 系统设计 9

3.1 系统架构设计以及原理 9

3.2 功能模块设计 10

3.2.1 用户管理设计 10

3.2.2 权限管理设计 11

3.2.3 患者信息管理设计 11

3.2.4 患者信息导出设计 12

3.2.5 短信发送设计 12

第四章 数据库设计 14

4.1 数据库设计步骤 14

4.2 数据库E-R设计 14

4.3数据表设计 15

4.4数据库安全设计 17

第五章 系统实现与测试 18

5.1系统实现规范 18

5.2系统功能模块实现 18

5.2.1 数据库连接模块 18

5.2.2 登陆实现 21

5.2.3 用户管理实现 22

5.2.4 权限管理实现 24

5.2.5 患者管理实现 26

5.2.6 短信发送实现 27

5.2.7 患者信息导出实现 29

5.3 系统测试 29

5.3.1 测试分析 29

5.3.2 功能测试及用例 30

第六章 总结与展望 32

参考文献 33

致 谢 34

第一章 绪论



1.1 课题的背景及意义


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