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 2021-04-01 21:26:06  

摘 要






Industrial robots, which are more and more popular, play a very important role in the automatic continuous production process with the rapid development of modern industry. Although industrial robots have many advantages, such as high efficiency, strong persistence, ability of working in hazardous environments and manpower saving, higher energy consumption is undoubtedly one of the problems that needs to be solved urgently.

In this paper, the D-H model of PUMA560 robot is modeled by Matlab. Based on this simulation model, the total energy consumption expression of the servo motors in the whole point-to-point process can be got by calculating the torque of joints motors in every interpolation point with the point-to-point trajectory of the fifth-order polynomial interpolation. Then optimize parameters including the running time and the angular velocity of joints in control points, by using the expression as the objective function, under the premise of constant moving path to make the total energy consumption minimum and achieve the purpose of energy efficient control.

There are many factors that affect the total energy consumption of industrial robots, such as running speed, running time at constant speed, acceleration and idle time, so the focus of this paper is to integrate ideas of multiple optimization methods for optimizing and controlling many robot operating parameters at the same time to seeking the multi-parameter combination solution which is the minimum total energy consumption. The control method of energy efficient operation has a very significant effect on reducing the total energy consumption for robots that perform fixed actions, such as pipelining robots, which can also quickly provide a current optimal solution basis for the computational time of optimizing for robots with relatively higher real-time requirements.

Key Words: Industrial robots;Trajectory planning;Trips;Ant colony algorithm

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

1.3 论文的主要研究内容 3

第2章 设计的相关原理 4

2.1 机器人的运动学原理 4

2.1.1 运动学理论概述 4

2.1.2 刚体位姿描述与齐次坐标变换 4

2.1.3 PUMA560的D-H模型 7

2.1.4 正逆运动学原理概述 9

2.2 轨迹规划相关原理 9

2.2.1 轨迹规划概述 9

2.2.2 五次多项式轨迹规划 10

2.3 机器人的动力学理论与能耗分析 10

2.3.1 动力学理论概述 10

2.3.2 力矩的计算 11

2.3.3 伺服电机能耗计算 11

2.4 优化算法相关原理 12

2.4.1 优化算法概述 12

2.4.2 本文优化算法原理 13

2.5 Matlab仿真工具 17

2.5.1 Matlab介绍 17

2.5.2 机器人工具箱 17

2.6 本章小结 18

第3章 系统的设计与实现 19

3.1 D-H模型的建立 19

3.2 逆运动学与五次多项式插值 20

3.3 总能耗表达式的构建 21

3.4 控制点的选取和待优化参数的确定 22

3.5 多参数优化算法的实现 22

3.5.1 解空间、目标函数及探索起点 22

3.5.2 反馈式邻域范围和接受概率 23

3.5.3 定向移动与优解更新 24

3.5.4 约束条件 25

3.5.5 禁忌表的更新与禁忌区避免 25

3.5.6 跳出困境与稳态及贪婪度衰减 26

3.5.7 重点优解的再搜索 27

3.6 实验数据分析与研究成果展示 27

3.7 本章小结 32

第4章 总结和展望 33

4.1 论文工作总结 33

4.2 未来工作展望 34

参考文献 35

致谢 37

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的目的及意义



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