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 2021-03-14 21:45:14  

摘 要

CCD的英文全称为Charge Coupled Device,是二十世纪中后期发展起来的一种较为先进的半导体器件。尤其近几年CCD传感器发展迅速,功能和性能均日新月异,其作用大大增强。CCD传感器的优点颇多,具有小、轻、能耗低、可靠性高、使用寿命长等显著优点;并且其基本不会发生图像变形图;还具有较高的空间分辨力,其基本单元间距的准确度很高,可获得较高的定位准确度和测量准确度。CCD传感器在近几十年发展迅速,价格低廉。目前,CCD传感器应用领域十分广泛,不但涉及到我们生产生活中的众多领域,而且在航空航天、军工装备等高端应用场合也发挥着无可代替的作用。




CCD English called Charge Coupled Device, is the late twentieth century developed a more advanced semiconductor devices. In particular, CCD sensors in recent years, the rapid development of functions and performance are changing, its role greatly enhanced. CCD sensor has many advantages, with small, light, low energy consumption, high reliability, long life and other significant advantages; and its basic image deformation does not occur; also has a high spatial resolution, the basic unit spacing Of the high accuracy, access to high positioning accuracy and measurement accuracy. CCD sensor in recent decades, rapid development, low prices. At present, CCD sensor applications are very broad, not only related to our production and life in many areas, but also in aerospace, military equipment and other high-end applications also play an irreplaceable role.

This paper introduces an ARM-based CCD sensor system, and through the acquisition of objects to change the optical information to achieve the object location to determine and proofreading, that is, correction. ARM is used to control the main processor data acquisition, data calculation and A / D conversion control. CCD sensor drive signal, integral time control, address decoding, data buffer and data acquisition logic functions are also integrated in the ARM, making the circuit structure is simple, reliable. The design results show that the entire system can be high-speed operation, stable operation, the basic realization of the design of the intended target.

Key word: ARM; CCD; A/D conversion;

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 设计背景 1

1.1.1 CCD传感器发展现状 1

1.1.2 设计的开展背景 1

1.2 设计内容及安排 2

1.2.1 设计目标、内容和拟解决的问题 2

1.2.2 论文的撰写 2

第2章 CCD传感器系统方案研究 4

2.1 CCD传感器工作原理 4

2.2 系统要求分析 5

2.3 系统方案分析 6

2.3.1 CCD传感器芯片 6

2.3.2 CCD传感器时序脉冲方案分析 6

2.3.3 ARM芯片选型 7

2.4 本章小结 8

第3章 CCD传感器系统硬件设计 10

3.1 系统原始信号的采集 11

3.2 系统硬件设计 12

3.2.1 光源模块(LED) 12

3.2.2 CCD传感器芯片外围电路模块 13

3.2.3 CCD传感器信号处理模块 14

3.2.4 STM32最小系统模块 15

3.2.5 CCD传感器时序脉冲模块 16

3.2.6 辅助电源设计 17

3.3 本章小结 18

第4章 CCD传感器系统软件设计 19

4.1 CCD传感器驱动时序脉冲软件设计 20

4.2 AD转换程序设计 22

4.3 DA转换程序设计 23

4.4 本章小结 23

第5章 系统调试与结果分析 24

5.1 STM32单片机调试 24

5.2 结果分析 28

5.3 本章小结 28

第6章 结论与展望 29

6.1 结论 29

6.2 展望 30

参考文献 31

附 录 32

致 谢 44

第1章 绪论


1.1 设计背景

1.1.1 CCD传感器发展现状



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