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基于Leap Motion的汽车虚拟驾驶系统设计毕业论文

 2021-03-12 00:14:54  

摘 要

人机交互(Human-Computer Interaction, 简写HCI)这个概念在1959年被提出来后经过这么长时间的发展已经越来越成熟了,人们对它的关注度日益提高。Leap Motion就是一款在这样的大环境中诞生的基于PC及MAC平台的体感交互设备,它把人机交互的操作空间从平面扩展到了真实的物理空间,使得人们获得一种身临其境的沉浸感。

论文研究的主要内容是应用体感交互技术的手势控制汽车移动系统设计。在开始设计前先比较当前主流的体感交互设备,确定Leap Motion体感控制器作为设计的主体,并简要介绍了它的工作原理和使用方法,接着选择Unity3d这样一款拥有强大的功能和快捷的建模方式的三维模型搭建软件,用来实现虚拟汽车和虚拟场景,然后就是对虚拟汽车添加手势控制,定义控制其前进后退及转向的相关手势,结合Leap Motion设备,最后就是描述系统实现过程并对其进行测试,根据结果对设计进行分析总结和展望。通过设计发现用手势控制虚拟汽车可以作为学习驾车的辅助系统,能让学员更快熟悉汽车驾驶系统,体验不同的驾驶环境预防交通事故。

关键词:Leap Motion;手势控制;Unity3d;虚拟汽车;


Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) was developed in 1959 after such a long time has been more and more mature, and people's attention to it is increasing. Leap Motion is a body-based interactive device based on the PC and MAC platform created in such a large environment. It extends the man-machine interaction space from the plane to the real physical space, enabling people to get an immersive Immersion.

The main content of the paper is to design the mobile mobile system with gesture control of somatosensory interaction technique. Before starting the design, compare the current mainstream somatosensory interaction device, select Leap Motion somatosensory controller as the main body of the design, and briefly describes its working principle and use, then choose Unity3d such a powerful function and fast built Model of the three-dimensional model to build software for the realization of virtual cars and virtual scenes, and then is added to the virtual car gesture control, the definition of its forward and backward steering and control of the relevant gestures, adding Leap Motion control, the last is to describe the system to achieve the process and Its test, according to the results of the design analysis and summary. Through the design found that the use of gesture control virtual car can be used as a learning system to help drive, so that students faster familiar with the car driving system, to experience different driving environment to prevent traffic accidents.

Key words: Leap Motion; gesture control; Unity3d; virtual car;

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1体感交互技术 1

1.2体感交互设备 1

1.3 论文的研究意义 3

1.4国内外研究现状 3

1.5论文的主要内容 4

第2章 Leap Motion工作原理 5

2.1 Leap Motion设备 5

2.2 Leap Motion技术原理 5

2.2.1坐标系统 5

2.2.3目标模型 7

2.2.4手势 8

2.3 Leap Motion配置 10

2.4小结 10

第3章 虚拟汽车和虚拟场景 11

3.1 软件介绍 11

3.1.1 Unity3D 11

3.1.2 3DMax 11

3.2虚拟汽车 12

3.2.1 创建模型 12

3.3 虚拟场景 15

第4章Leap Motion在Unity3d中的集成与开发 18

4.1 集成步骤 18

4.2 体感控制功能实现 18

4.3 系统测试 19

4.4 测试总结 24

4.5 本章小结 24

第5章 总结和展望 25

5.1 总结 25

5.2 展望 25

参考文献 27

致 谢 28








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