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 2022-02-28 21:16:20  


摘 要


虽然当前研究钙钛矿介观电池的文章比比皆是,但是往往却忽略了在使用相同钙钛矿材料之下, TiO2的颗粒大小往往也影响着最终电池的效率。本实验为探究不同大小的TiO2颗粒对太阳能电池转换效率的影响,通过将一系列含有不同尺寸的氧化钛颗粒的浆料,以丝网印刷的方式印刷于太阳能电池上,分别研究其具体影响。




关键词:TiO2 钙钛矿 介观太阳能电池

The effect of TiO2 Size towards Mesoscopic Perovskite Solar Cells Performance


TiO2 is functioned as the electron transfer material in the dye-sensitized solar cells(DSSC). In the mesoscopic solar cells, TiO2 is usually used as the electron transport material. Moreover, due to its high reflectivity and optical transmission in visible domain,TiO2 can also be used as the porous framework, absorbing more dyestuff of perovskite as well as protecting the cell from unexpected force..Perovskite material is well known for its excellent electromagnetic properties, including ferroelectric, insulating, and superconducting properties. And as such, perovskite material is widely accepted as one of the most efficient electrooptical materials to date. Among all kinds of perovskite materials, the organic/inorganic hybrid perovskite material is a very promising material due to its high transporting efficiency, large open circuit voltage and short circuit current for higher opto-electrical transmission efficiency, tunable forbidden band for better covering the solar spectrum.

To date, among all the published works, the study about the TiO2 size effect on the solar cell final transmission efficiency still remains on the preliminary stage. To fully understand the mechanism of the above size effect, this experiment is designed to fabricate a series of pastes containing TiO2 particles with different sizes, then use the screen-printing method to apply the paste onto the solar cell, and finally to investigate the TiO2size effect on the solar cell final transmission efficiency .

In this experiment, CH3NH3I and PbI2 solvents were used to synthesize the CH3NH3PbI3 crystal, which is the perovskite dyestuff. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to ensure the extent of reaction, the concentration and the size of the synthesized material. The satisfactory perovskite crystal was then solved into the DMF solvent. Once the transparent and yellow liquid is formed, the liquid was then dipped onto the solar cell. At the same time, the paste containing ZrO2 particles and C particles was also applied into solar cell by screen-printing method, which are acted as the hole transporting layer and back contact respectively and the final step is the calcination to get the perovskite film.

The characterization works include the tests of open circuit voltage, short circuit current , fill factor and power conversion efficiency(PCE). The TiO2 size effect on the solar cell efficiency is obtained by comparing the above test results from solar cells with different sized TiO2 particles.

Key words: TiO2, perovskite, Mesoscopic solar cells

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2太阳能电池介绍 1

1.2.1 硅系太阳能电池 1

1.2.2 化合物太阳能电池 2

1.2.3 有机物太阳能电池 2

1.2.4介观太阳能电池 3

1.3.研究思路和工作内容 6

第二章 碘铅甲胺的制备 7

2.1引言 7

2.2 实验部分 8

2.2.1碘甲胺晶体的合成 8

2.2.2碘铅甲胺晶体的合成 8

2.2.3碘铅甲胺粉末测试 9

2.2.4 DMF的碘铅甲胺溶液配制 10

2.3 本章小结 11

第三章 电池的制备 12

3.1引言 12

3.2 电池模块的制作 13

3.3 CH3NH3PbI3前驱液的填充 14

3.4 本章小结 15

第四章 测试与表征 16

4.1引言 16

4.1.1开路电压 16

4.1.2短路电流 16

4.1.3 填充因子 16

4.1.4能量转换效率 17

4.2 电池性能检测 17

4.2.1 电池转换效率测试 17

4.3 本章小结 18

第五章 结论及后续改进工作 19

5.1 实验结论 19

5.2 改进措施 19

5.3 前景与挑战 20

致 谢 21

参考文献 22

第一章 绪论


进入21世纪以来,能源问题逐渐成为困扰各国可持续发展的焦点问题,而伴随着世界经济的进一步发展,能源与污染的矛盾显得愈发突出。根据中科院的数据,中国的PM 2.5,大于60 %都来自于燃煤和燃油[1]。近年来,各种新兴能源技术例如太阳能、风能等技术正走向人们的日常生活,而太阳能被认为是最具发展潜力和应用前景的能源。故,在当前中国发展的大背景之下,大规模使用新能源技术替换化石能源已经变得迫在眉睫。可以说新能源技术的使用已经是制约发展的关键。在国务院公布的“十三五”发展规划中,我国到2020年,太阳能电池发电量需大幅提升,且单晶硅电池的产业化转化率需在23 %以上,多晶硅电池转换效率在20 %以上[2]。因此大规模利用开发和使用新型太阳能电池已经成为早日实现四个“现代化”的必然选择。


自法国科学家Becqurel于1839年发现半导体会因光照在不同的部分而产生电压这一规律以来,人类发明和利用太阳能电池的脚步就从未有停息过。从1958年太阳能电池被第一次利用在人造卫星上,到我国于不久前建成的发电容量达850 MW的龙羊峡光伏电站,光伏技术已经经过大半个世纪的历程,可以称得上是树大根深,枝繁叶茂。截至目前,主要的太阳能电池有:传统硅电池、化合物电池、有机物电池和染料敏化电池。

1.2.1 硅系太阳能电池

硅系太阳能电池(Silicon Solar Cells)是现如今技术成熟、使用广泛、历史悠久的光伏电池。硅系电池的工作原理大体如下:在硅材料中分别掺杂III族和V族元素,形成PN结结构。在光照条件下,电池发生内光电效应,及电子向N区运动,空穴向P区运动,从而在PN结两侧因载流子的积累而形成电压,因此也称之为光生伏特效应。因结晶性质的不同,硅系电池大体可分为如下的三种不同类型:单晶硅、多晶硅和非晶硅电池。

单晶硅电池(Single Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells)是最早被人们应用的光伏电池,多应用于光照时间短,光照强度较弱地区。实验室生产的单晶硅电池的效率峰值在24 %左右,但较高的生产成本和复杂的生产流程阻碍了其进一步发展。


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