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 2022-02-28 21:15:13  


摘 要

发光寿命的长短直接影响有机器件磁效应的大小,有机热活化延迟荧光由于具有较长的荧光寿命,其寿命期间可以经历丰富有趣的发光动力学过程,涉及激发态和电子、空穴之间的各种自旋相互作用。这些相互作用在磁场下表现为磁电阻和磁电致发光现象。因此研究基于有机热活化延迟荧光材料的OLED器件的磁电阻和磁电致发光效应可以为进一步发展OLED提供理论指导,具有重要的科研价值。本文制备了有机热活化延迟荧光器件,以此来探究其机理与应用,器件结构为ITO/TAPC(40 nm)/TAPC:T2T(30 nm)/T2T(35 nm)/Al。通过一系列实验,我们研究了室温下,施加不同偏压,器件的磁电阻和磁电致发光效应随外加磁场的变化关系。实验表明在室温下TADF器件的MR和MEL都是在低场快速上升,随后在高场缓慢上升。同一磁场下,随着偏压的增大,TADF器件的磁效应也随之增强,但偏压增加到一定程度后,磁效应幅度减缓。在外加磁场300 mT,施加偏压7 V时,室温下产生的磁电阻达到16%,磁电致发光效应达到25%。基于载流子的自旋对外磁场和(或)氢核产生的超精细场的敏感性,当加入外磁场,磁场强度相当或略大于内部磁相互作用时,由于Δg机制和超精细机制,外磁场能增强三线态能级的分裂,抑制ISC过程,MEL便呈现出快速上升的趋势。当外加磁场继续增大,磁场对ISC过程的抑制作用相对减弱,所以MEL便出现缓慢上升的趋势。


Study on Magnetoresistance and Magneto-electroluminescence Effects of Organic Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescent Devices


The length of the luminous lifetime directly affects the size of the magnetic field effect of the organic device. The organic thermally activated delayed fluorescent devices has a long fluorescent lifetime and can undergo a rich and interesting luminescence kinetics during its lifetime, involving the excited state and the electrons various spin interactions. These interactions exhibit magnetic resistance and magnetic electroluminescence in the magnetic field. Therefore, the study of magnetoresistance and magneto-electroluminescence (OLED) effects of OLED devices based on organic thermally activated delayed fluorescent materials can provide theoretical guidance for the further development of OLEDs and have important scientific research value. In this paper, organic thermally activated delayed fluorescent devices were fabricated. The device structure was ITO / TAPC (40 nm) / TAPC: T2T (30 nm) / T2T (35 nm) / Al. Through a series of experiments, we studied the relationship between the magnetoresistance and magnetoelectric luminescence effect of the device with the applied magnetic field at room temperature. Experiments show that both MR and MEL of TADF devices rise rapidly at low field at room temperature, then rise slowly in high field. Here, we show that thermally activated delayed fluorescent devices produce MEL in excess of 25% and magnetoresistance in excess of 16% at room temperature (B=300 mT,V=7 V). When the magnetic field is equal to or slightly larger than the internal magnetic interaction, the external magnetic field can enhance the splitting of the triplet energy level and suppress the ISC process, and the MEL will show a rapid increase trend according to the Δg mechanism and the hyperfine mechanism. The carriers are spin sensitive to the external magnetic field and the internal hyperfine field of the hydrogen nucleus. When the external magnetic field continues to increase, the inhibition of magnetic field on the ISC process can achieve saturation, so MEL will appear to tend to rise slowly.

Key Words: Thermally activated delayed fluorescence, magnetoelectric luminescence effect, magnetoresistance, Δg mechanism, the hyperfine mechanism


第1章 绪 论 1

1.1 有机电致发光的研究与现状 1

1.1.1 OLED的研究进展 1

1.1.2 OLED器件基本结构和原理 1

1.1.3 表征OLED的性能参数 3

1.2 本章小结 4

第2章 热活化延迟荧光OLED的微观机理和研究现状 5

2.1 热活化延迟荧光的基本原理 5

2.2 热活化延迟荧光的发展现状 7

2.3 磁电阻(MR)和磁效应(MFE)研究 9

2.3.1 磁电阻(MR)和磁效应(MFE)研究的背景和意义 9

2.3.2 磁电阻和磁效应的基本原理 9

第3章 有机热活化延迟荧光器件的设计与测量 11

3.1 器件的制备 11

3.2 器件的性能测试 11

第4章 有机热活化延迟荧光器件的磁电阻和电致发光效应研究 13

4.1 室温下不同偏压的电致发光磁电阻 13

4.2 室温下不同偏压的电致发光磁效应 13

4.3 室温下不同偏压的发光强度变化 17

4.4 本章小结 17

第5章 总结与展望 19

5.1 总结 19

5.2 展望 19

参考文献 20

致 谢 22

绪 论






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