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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 光电信息科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-06-24 21:40:13  

摘 要

本文借助FDTD Solutions软件模拟了三种结构:(1)玻璃衬底上的银(Ag)一维光栅、(2)中间有有机层的玻璃衬底上的Ag一维光栅和(3)中间有有机层的硅(Si)衬底上的Ag一维光栅结构,观察具有不同光栅周期的三种结构的吸光率曲线,进一步改变光栅厚度、占空比和有机层的厚度,比较各个参数的改变对结构(3)吸光率的影响。所得的结果对于太阳能电池、光电探测器的探测电极的设计具有重要的指导意义。






In this thesis, FDTD Solutions has been used to simulate the three kinds of nanostructures: (1) silver(Ag) grating/glass substrate, (2) Ag grating/PEDOT:PSS glass substrate, (3) Ag grating/PEDOT:PSS/silicon substrate, and then observe the absorbance curve three kinds of structures with different grating periodicity. Furthermore, the thickness and the duty ratio of the grating as well as the thickness of the organic layer have been changed to compare the variation of the absorbance of structure (3) for analyzing the influence of each parameter. The results demonstrated in this thesis are important for the solar cell and photodetector applications.

The thesis mainly studied the surface plasmon of Ag grating excited by incident light, in order to analyze the change of the absorbance of the composite structure. We designed the three structures, from simple to complicate, to analyze the influence on the absorbance by each layer step by step. Meanwhile, we also investigated how the parameters of the Ag grating and organic layer affect the absorbance for the most complicate cases.

The simulated results show that the Ag grating can improve the absorbance of the whole structure, and the absorption peak shifts to long wavelength with the increase of the grating periodicity. The decrease of the thickness of grating can make two absorption peaks approach to each other. The decrease of the duty ratio can make two absorption peaks move to the short wavelength and the intensity of the absorption peak increases.

Characteristic of this paper: this paper not only analyzed how the materials of the structure influence the absorbance, but also analyzed how the geometric parameters of the structure influence the absorbance peak. It has important guiding significance to design a special structure with specific absorption.

Key Words:surface plasmon;metal nanostructures;grating;absorbance

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的 1

1.3 研究意义 1

1.4 国内外研究现状分析 1

1.5 研究方法 2

第2章 模拟方法 3

2.1 二维指教坐标系FDTD方法 3

2.2 表面等离子体 4

2.2.1 表面等离子体的色散关系 6

2.2.2 表面等离子体的激发 7

2.3.1 理想匹配层吸收边界条件 8

2.3.2 周期性边界条件 8

2.4 模拟软件 9

第3章 Ag一维光栅玻璃衬底对吸光率的影响 11

3.1 结构模型 11

3.2 模拟参数设置 11

3.3 监视器的设置 12

3.4 模拟结果分析 16

3.4.1 个例分析 16

3.4.2 总体趋势分析 19

3.5 本章总结 21

第4章 Ag一维光栅加PEDOT层对吸光率的影响 22

4.1 结构模型 22

4.2 模拟参数设置 22

4.3 模拟结果分析 23

4.3.1 个例分析 23

4.3.2 整体趋势分析 26

4.3.3 章节对照 27

4.4 本章总结 27

第5章 Ag一维光栅Si衬底对吸光率的影响 28

5.1 结构模型 28

5.2 模拟参数设置 28

5.3 模拟结果分析 28

5.3.1 个例分析 28

5.3.3 章节对照 32

5.4 本章总结 32

第6章 Ag一维光栅参数对吸光率的影响 33

6.1 光栅厚度对吸光率的影响 33

6.2 光栅占空比对吸光率的影响 33

6.3 有机层厚度对吸光率的影响 34

6.4 本章总结 35

第7章 结论 36

参考文献 37

附录:FDTD Solutions程序 38

致 谢 39

  1. 绪论

1.1 研究背景



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