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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 光电信息科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-05-15 23:20:05  

摘 要






Ultra-Wideband (UWB) communication antennas have the advantages of low cost, small size, easy processing and other features. And the printed monopole antenna also has wide band-with, easy to manufacture, easy feed network connection and so on, so UWB receive extensive attention. These printed monopole antenna is widely used in military radar, satellite and mobile communication, therefore, research on the printed monopole antenna is of great significance. In this paper, in order to realize the miniaturization of the antenna structure, and further expansion band-width of antenna, the investigation of the existing printed monopole antenna is presented. In addition, further research work design and optimize a new the printed monopole antenna. The optimized results are in good agreement with the UWB requirement. In this paper, by using the electromagnetic software HFSS, rectangular micro-strip antenna is simulated, and patch structure are optimized in the rectangular patch structure, and then it investigated the U-shaped structure micro-strip antenna. Finally, the antenna feed structure is changed, by using coplanar waveguide feed. Also this paper reports the analysis and comparison of the proposed several antenna structure.

In this paper, firstly, for design the basic rectangular micro-strip antenna, to understand the design of ultra-wideband technology. Then with the rectangular micro-strip antenna as the prototype, and improve the micro-strip fed printed monopole antenna, the feed floor bevel or depict groove expanding bandwidth. Then for further structure optimization design on a rectangular patch micro-strip antenna, the design of irregular rectangular, circular, U-shaped structure, improved feeding mode of operation, the simulation optimization design antenna voltage and the VSWR and radiation pattern parameters, then to analysis and comparison.

Through the design of rectangular micro-strip antenna to meet the requirements of ultra-wideband antenna design. Then on the basic of rectangular micro-strip antenna, to design model of irregular rectangular patch printed monopole antenna and a U-shaped printed monopole antenna. Through the simulation analysis, within the scope of S11lt;-10dB covering from 3 GHz to 10 GHz frequency band, and design of several antenna radiation characteristics is close to being omnidirectional. The proposed new antenna structure to achieve the requirements of ultra-wideband, and on the basis of the original is further reduced in size.

Key Words:UWB; printed antenna; monopole antenna; micro-strip antenna

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 超宽带技术简介 1

1.2.1 超宽带技术背景 1

1.2.2 超宽带技术应用 2

1.3 超宽带天线研究现状与发展 2

1.4 超宽带天线的主要分析方法 3

1.5 论文安排 3

第2章 超宽带天线的基本参数 4

2.1 天线基本参数 4

2.1.1 天线输入阻抗 4

2.1.2 天线阻抗带宽 4

2.1.3 天线方向系数和增益 5

2.2 UWB技术要求 6

2.3 馈电方式 6

2.3.1 微带线馈电 6

2.3.2 共面波导馈电 7

2.4 微带天线 7

第3章 超宽带印刷单极子天线 9

3.1 矩形贴片的UWB印刷单极子天线 9

3.1.1 基本天线结构 9

3.1.2 优化结构 11

3.1.3 仿真结果 13

3.2 U形结构的UWB印刷单极子天线 15

3.2.1 O形结构微带天线 15

3.2.2 U形结构的微带天线 17

3.2.3 仿真结果 18

3.3 分析总结 21

第4章 共面波导馈电的超宽带天线 22

4.1 共面波导馈电天线的基本结构 22

4.2 优化天线结构 22

4.3 分析与小结 24

第5章 结论 25

参考文献 26

致谢 27

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义




1.2 超宽带技术简介

1.2.1 超宽带技术背景


美国南加州大学的Robert Schultz,1993年在其论文中阐述了一种用扩频码来实现超宽带系统的多址技术,正是通过这一多址技术使得UWB技术的应用前景更加广泛。1994年后,UWB开始向民用方向领域发展,并且从1998年起,美国联邦通讯委员会(Federal Communications Commission,简称FCC)开始广泛征求行业意见,是否开放超宽带技术于民用,并于2002年FCC最终通过了在开放3.1-10.6GHz的频段内使用UWB,并且要求在不干扰现有的无线设备基础上允许UWB技术的商业应用[4]。随后相继出现了不同的标准的UWB应用的芯片,使得UWB技术在军事雷达、遥控导航、医疗安全、数字通信等领域展现了其独有的商业价值。

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