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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 光电信息科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-04-12 13:18:11  

摘 要






Last century, the birth of laser has brought a new look to the field of optical capture. After the laser passes through the lens of high numerical aperture for deep focusing, it has many excellent characteristics, which have attracted many scholars to study. One of the most important is the ability to manipulate tiny particles, which has great significance in the fields of biology, medicine and the like.The discovery of anomalous vortex beams a few years ago opened up a new direction for the study of vortex light.

Based on Debye integral theory, deep focusing theory and Rayleigh scattering theory, the deep focusing characteristics of circularly polarized anomalous vortex beams and the radiation force of Rayleigh particles in its deep focusing field are theoretically analyzed and numerically simulated, and the effects of these parameters are studied by changing the parameters.

The results show that: in the deep focusing field of circularly polarized anomalous vortex beams , topological charge m mainly affects the intensity of the central light field. When m is less than 3, the intensity of the central light field is not zero, while when m is greater than or equal to 3, the central dark spot will appear in the focused light field, and the size of the dark spot increases with the increase of m. Order n mainly affects the brightness of the optical field ring, and numerical aperture NA also affects the intensity of the central light field. Flat-topped beams may appear under certain conditions. The anomalous circularly polarized vortex deep focusing field can capture Rayleigh particles with high refractive index stably, but cannot capture Rayleigh particles with low refractive index. The parameters m and n of light field also affect the magnitude of scattering force and gradient force.

Key Words:Anomalous vortex beam; Deep focus; Rayleigh particles; Optical trapping


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 涡旋光束的研究历史 1

1.1.2 光学捕获的研究历史 1

1.2 研究目标及内容安排 2

第2章 理论基础 4

2.1 Debye近似理论 4

2.2 径向和角向偏振光的深聚焦理论 6

2.3 光镊理论 9

2.3.1 光镊定义及原理 9

2.3.2 稳定捕获的条件 11

第3章 圆偏振反常涡旋光束的深聚焦特性 12

3.1 理论分析 12

3.2 数值模拟及分析 15

第4章 深聚焦反常涡旋光束对瑞利粒子的辐射力分析 20

4.1 瑞利散射模型 20

4.2 圆偏振反常涡旋光深聚焦场辐射力分析 22

第5章 总结与展望 26

5.1 工作总结 26

5.2 后续工作展望 26

参考文献 28

致 谢 30

第1章 绪论



1.1.1 涡旋光束的研究历史

涡旋光束的历史可以追溯到很久之前,最早开始研究与之相关的内容的学者是Whewell,他在1833年就开始对相位奇点进行研究,而他在研究潮汐的过程中,发现潮汐中可能存在着相位奇点[1],而且他发现有一种特殊的光场,他的相位波前是螺旋状的并且也存在相位奇点,这种光场就是涡旋光场。之后George Biddell Airy在透镜的焦平面上发现了反常涡旋光的存在[2],这一发现让人们对涡旋光束产生了更浓厚的兴趣,也逐渐开始从光波的角度来认识涡旋光。1919年,Ignatovskii对反常涡旋的传播特性进行了深入研究[3],他发现反常涡旋光的传输方向不确定,甚至有可能发生反向传播。

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