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 2021-07-13 00:27:52  

摘 要




The game of public goods is widely existed in all kinds of complex social systems. It contains almost all the social factors, which constitute the foundation of our society. The theme of this paper is the game of public goods and its realization in Repast simulation platform. Throughout the study is under the big background in evolutionary game theory, evolutionary game theory was first applied in the field of biological evolution, with the deep development of the scientific research, it was introduced to a more broad range of subjects by the researchers, especially in the field of economics and management. Public goods game model in the simulation platform repast need the help of multi-agent modeling method, which in turn relates to the complex adaptive system (CAS) theory, the study of complex adaptive system with the help of a research method is mainly analytical method and computer simulation. The research methods used in this study are the combination of multi agent modeling and computer simulation, in the process of simulation applied to Repast, which is one of the most widely used multi agent modeling and computer simulation platform. The part of the thesis basically describes the Game theory basis and evolutionary game theory, simply introduces the basic theory of multi-agent simulation, combined with a new generation of simulation platform Repast, the public goods game model is constructed by using multi-agent modeling method, in the game of public goods, multiple subjects take different strategies to make the game and eventually reached their equilibrium and dynamic process.

Key Words: Evolutionary game theory;public goods game;multi-agent simulation;Repast


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.1.1复杂适应系统(CAS)理论 1

1.1.2多智能体建模方法 2

1.2研究目的及意义 2

1.3研究内容及论文结构安排 3

1.4本章小结 4

第2章 公共货品博弈 5

2.1博弈论基础 5

2.2公共货品的含义 6

2.2.1公共货品的起源 7

2.2.2定义及其特点 7

2.3公共货品博弈 8

2.3.1基本概念 8

2.3.2基本模型 9

2.4本章小结 10

第3章 Repast仿真平台 11

3.1 多Agent建模常用的仿真平台 11

3.2 Repast仿真平台 11

3.2.1 Repast类库说明 11

3.2.2基于Repast的仿真模型 12

3.2.3模型的运行和仿真 13

3.3本章小结 14

第4章 公共货品博弈模型的建模与仿真 15

4.1模型构建 15

4.1.1一般建模流程 15

4.1.2公共货品博弈模型的构建 15简化的公共货品博弈模型 15模型中的参数设计 16

4.2程序设计 16

4.3在Repast平台的仿真 17

4.3.1仿真前的基本设置 17

4.3.2仿真分析与结论 19

第5章 总结与展望 23

5.1总结 23

5.2展望 23

参考文献 25

致谢 32

第1章 绪论



复杂适应系统,即Complex Adaptive System(CAS),是系统科学的一个全新发展领域,在当前应用十分广泛,非常具有代表性,被誉为21世纪的科学[1]。它是由遗传算法(Genetic Algorithms,GA)之父约翰•H•霍兰(John H.Holland)最先提出的。如今,复杂适应系统理论的应用范围十分的广泛,涉及到社会经济生活、生态环境工程和军事政治各个领域[2]

复杂适应系统理论(Complex Adaptive System)的基本思想是[3]:系统中的成员即个体(Active Agent)有适应性——个体与个体之间、个体与环境之间的相互作用促进个体与环境的演化。个体与个体、个体与环境间相互作用,而且个体具有学习模仿和自我调整的能力[4],对应着适应性体现的过程。而个体和环境的演化过程,就是主体与环境基于已积累的经验对自身构成和行为进行调整的过程,调整可以是在同一层次上,也可以不在同一层次上。演化的趋势多样化,构成了一个可能性空间,因此在整体层次上可能会引发结构突变、新现象的涌现或者行为的复杂化。简言之,就是主体的适应性过程可能使系统向着复杂的方向演化,即复杂适应系统(CAS)的“复杂”根源是“适应”,这也是CAS理论的核心思想。

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