2021-09-24 12:48:41
摘 要
实验主要研究了在300℃和400℃热处理温度下,锰氧化物含量对碳电极的电化学性能以及电容脱盐性能的影响。结果表明,在10 mV/s的扫描速率下,400℃热处理温度、锰含量为10%的复合材料在比电容为67.98 F/g,有序介孔碳的比电容为47.28 F/g,提高了43%;400℃热处理温度、锰含量为10%的复合材料饱和吸附量为5.38 mg/g,有序介孔碳的饱和吸附量为3.14 mg/g,提高了71%。
China is a country lack of fresh water. With the development of the economy and population, the shortage of the fresh water has become a big problem. Capacitance desalting technology is a new water desalination technology with a lot of advantages, such as high energy utilization, environmental friendly, low running cost, and easy operation. Capacitance desalting technology can be used in many fields. The capacitance desalting technology has become a research hotspot in low salinity application of industrial waste water treatment in recent years.
In this work, manganous nitrate and ordered mesoporous carbon are used as the main raw materials. Impregnation method is adopted to prepare the composite material of manganse oxide and mesoporous. Coating method is adopted to prepare the electrode. According to the electrochemical performance and capacitance desalination performance of electrodes, change the ratio of the manganous oxide and temperature of the thermal treatment in order to get the high performance composite material.
This work discusses the influence of different thermal treatment temperatures and different ratios of manganese oxide to the performance of the composite material. Compare to the ordered mesoporous carbon, the specific capacitance of the composite material increases by 43% and the performance of the capacitive desalination increases by 71%.
Key Words:desalination,carbon electrode,manganese oxide,composite material
目 录
第1章 绪论
1.1 海水淡化概况
1.2 电容脱盐法
1.3 介孔碳材料
1.4 锰氧化物
1.5 实验研究意义及内容
第2章 复合材料的制备与表征
2.1 引言
2.2 实验原料及仪器
2.3 实验过程
2.4 复合材料结构表征方法
第3章 复合材料结构表征
3.1 X射线衍射测试结果
3.2 扫描电子显微镜测试结果
3.3 比表面积测试结果
第4章 复合材料性能分析
4.1 模拟电容器的构建
4.2 电化学性能分析
4.3 工作电压和电解质溶液浓度对电容脱盐性能的影响
4.4 复合材料电容脱盐性能测试结果
4.5 小结
第5章 结论
第1章 绪论
1.1 海水淡化概况
水是世界上分布最广、数量最大的资源,覆盖着地球71%的表面积,总量达1.5×1010 km3 [1],但人类实际能利用的淡水少之又少,仅占其0.26%左右[2]。21世纪,随着人口的增长以及科技工业的发展,水资源问题逐渐成为制约当前社会发展的一个重要问题。我国是一个水资源短缺的国家,人均水资源占用量只有2300 m3 [3]。在当前发展背景下,解决淡水资源短缺问题成为当下的一个重要举措。
在二战后的半个世纪里,海水淡化技术发展迅速,形成了以多级闪蒸法( Multi-stage Flash )、低温多效蒸馏法( Multi-effect Distillation )和反渗透膜法( Reverse Osmosis )为主要代表的工业化技术。除此之外,其他的海水淡化技术还有电渗析法( Electrodialysis )、电容脱盐法( Capacitive Deionization )和离子交换法( Ion Exchange Process )等方法亦处于发展之中[5]。