2021-05-13 23:37:44
摘 要
In this experiment, a series of TiO2 was prepared based on hydrothermal method and specific surface area by BET and XRD tests to determine the optimum conditions of preparing high specific surface anatase TiO2 as carrier of catalysts; secondly,by changing MnOx load and load methods to prepare a series of Mn / TiO2 denitration catalyst, and with the help of its low temperature denitration test, X-ray diffraction(XRD), thermogavimetric analysis (TG-DTG), nitrogen temperature programmed desorption (NH3-TPD), specific surface area area test (BET)and et.al. ,the catalysts were systematically characterized.
The results showed that: (1)When the reaction temperature was 120 ℃,the time span was 22h, the ratio of urea and sodium sulfate was 0.12, the specific surface area of TiO2 obtained up to 234m2 / g and the sample consisting of spherical structure and smooth surface, which is preferable; In the case of Mn/Ti=0.4, the denitration rate was 85% when 200 ℃; (2) using the TiO2 obtained above as the carrier, which has a biggest specific surface , and Mn/Ti=0.3, the denitration performance of catalysts were the best,reaching 90% when 200 ℃; (3) by XRD and TG tests ,it is found that catalysts of high activity are mainly composed of the anatase TiO2 and amorphous MnOx. (4) What we can be obtained by BET and TPD test is that a high denitration activity catalyst has a large specific surface area and more acidic sites. (5) SEM tests showed that most of MnOx uniformly loaded on TiO2 surface, but there aiso occurred some MnOx reunion.
Features in this paper are: In this study, by exploring the catalyst synthesis conditions and preparation (temperature, time, mineralization dose), obtain a high specific surface TiO2, then prepared Mn/TiO2 catalyst through various ways to load MnOx, and and ultimately improve the low-temperature denitration activity of catalysts; through relevant characterization methods, to analyze the composition, structure and performance of catalysts , research and explore the influence of surface area of the catalyst carrier to denitrification activity .
Key words:High specific surface area;TiO2;denitration;carrier
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题背景与意义 1
1.2水泥窑NOx控制技术 1
1.2.1 燃烧前控制技术 2
1.2.2 燃烧过程控制技术 2
1.2.3 燃烧后烟气脱硝 2
1.3 低温SCR脱硝催化剂的研究现状 3
1.4实验内容与目的 4
第二章 实验部分 6
2.1实验原料和仪器 6
2.2样品的制备 7
2.2.1载体TiO2的制备 7
2.2.2催化剂的制备 7
2.3催化剂的脱硝性能测试 7
2.3.1实验装置 7
2.3.2测试流程 8
2.4催化剂的表征测试 9
2.4.1 XRD 9
2.4.2 BET 9
2.4.3 NH3-TPD 9
2.4.4 SEM 10
2.4.5 TG 10
第三章 高比表面积TiO2的制备与表征 11
3.1 改变水热温度 11
3.1.1 SEM 图像分析 11
3.1.2 XRD衍射图谱分析 12
3.1.3 BET比表面积分析 13
3.2 改变水热时间 13
3.2.1 SEM 图像分析 13
3.2.2 XRD衍射图谱分析 15
3.2.3 BET比表面积分析 15
3.3 改变矿化剂比例 16
3.3.1 XRD衍射图谱分析 16
3.3.2 SEM 图像分析 17
3.3.3 BET比表面积分析 18
第四章 不同比表面积TiO2微球的MnOx负载研究 19
4.1 TiO2的MnOx负载脱硝实验 19
4.2 MnOx/TiO2微球的XRD分析 20
4.3 TiO2的MnOx负载BET测试 22
第五章 不同负载量MnOx/ TiO2微球催化剂制备与表征 24
5.1不同负载量样品的脱硝性能测试 24
5.2 不同负载量样品的XRD测试 24
5.3 不同负载量样品的BET测试 25
5.4 不同负载量样品的SEM测试 26
5.5 不同负载量样品的TPD测试 26
5.6 不同负载量样品的热重测试 27
第六章 结论与展望 28
6.1实验小结 28
6.2不足与展望 28
参考文献 29
致 谢 31
第一章 绪论
氮氧化物(NOx)主要有N2O、NO、NO2、N2O3、N2O4和 N2O5,其中NO、NO2和N2O对大气污染最大。通常,煤燃烧产生的NO含量占总NOx含量的90%,甚至更高;另外生成的NO2和N2O约占总含量的10%[2],这三种氮氧化物对人体和环境都有很大的危害,主要包括以下几个方面[3-5]:(1)NO会降低人体血液输送氧的功能,NO2可以引起呼吸疾病以及人体内脏器官的坏死等,对人体的危害极大。(2)光化学烟雾,这种烟雾具有强烈刺激性,对动植物都有一定的危害作用,且烟雾浓度过高时会降低可见度,从而给人类生活带来不便;(3)酸雨:NOx在大气中会形成的硝酸型酸雨,它的破坏力远大于硫酸型酸雨,对建筑物的腐蚀和动植物的伤害极大;(4)NO与O3会发生反应,从而使臭氧空洞更加严重;(5)N2O也可引起温室效应,加重全球变暖。
氮氧化物(NOx)分为自然排放和人为排放,自然排放有森林大火、NH3的氧化、平流层光化学过程、生态系统中的微生物过程以及土壤和海洋中NO2‑的光解过程等。人为排放的NOx主要来自水泥厂、燃煤电厂和机动车等 [6]。其中水泥行业NOx的排放量约占全国工业排放总量的10%左右,在全国是第三位 [7-8]。最新颁布的《水泥工业大气污染物排放标准》要求:2015年7月1日起,原有水泥生产线氮氧化物排放限量由之前的800 mg/m3降低到400mg/m3,新建企业降低到320mg/Nm3。因此如何快速有效的实现NOx的减排已成为当前水泥行业最重要的工作。