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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程 > 正文


 2020-05-06 16:48:26  

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2. 参考文献

1. Zheng Y, Hassan I. Experimental flow field investigations of a film cooling hole featuring an orifice. Appl Therm Eng 2014;62(2):766#8211;76. 2. Lee KD, Kim KY. Film cooling performance of cylindrical holes embedded in a transverse trench. Numer Heat Transfer, Part A (Appl), 2014;65(2):127#8211;43. 3. Yao Y, Zhang JZ, Tan XM. Numerical study of film cooling from converging slot-hole on a gas turbine blade suction side. Int Commun Heat Mass Transfer 2014;52:61#8211;72. 4. Wang W, Zhu D, Qu N, Huang S, Fang X. Electrochemical drilling inclined holes using wedged electrodes. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2010;47(9#8211;12):1129#8211;36. 5. Fang X, Qu N, Li H, Zhu D. Enhancement of insulation coating durability in electrochemical drilling. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2013;68(9#8211;12):2005#8211;13. 6. Leigh S, Sezer K, Li L, Grafton-Reed C, Cuttell M. Recast and oxide formation in laser-drilled acute holes in CMSX-4 nickel single-crystal superalloy. Proc Inst Mech Eng Part B-J Eng Manuf 2010;224(7):1005#8211;16. 7. Fang XL, Qu NS, Zhang YD, Xu ZY, Zhu D. Improvement of hole exit accuracy in electrochemical drilling by applying a potential difference between an auxiliary electrode and the anode. J Mater Process Technol 2014;214(3):556#8211;64. 8. Liu J, Cao J, Lin X, Song X, Feng J. Microstructure and mechanical properties of diffusion bonded single crystal to polycrystalline Ni-based superalloys joint. Mater Des 2013;49:622#8211;6. 9. Burger M, Koll L, Werner EA, Platz A. Electrochemical machining characteristics and resulting surface quality of the nickel-base single-crystalline material LEK94. J Manuf Process 2012;14(1):62#8211;70. 10. Li Z, Xiong J, Xu Q, Li J, Liu B. Deformation and recrystallization of single crystal nickel-based superalloys during investment casting. J Mater Process Technol 2015;217:1#8211;12. 11. le Graverend JB, Cormier J, Gallerneau F, Villechaise P, Kruch S, Mendez J. A microstructure-sensitive constitutive modeling of the inelastic behavior of single crystal nickel-based superalloys at very high temperature. Int J Plast 2014;59:55#8211;83. 12. Sezer HK, Li L, Schmidt M, Pinkerton AJ, Anderson B, Williams P. Effect of beam angle on HAZ, recast and oxide layer characteristics in laser drilling of TBC nickel superalloys. Int J Mach Tools Manuf 2006;46(15):1972#8211;82. 13. Ruifeng S, Xiaobing Z, Wenbin C, Shuili G, Xiaopeng Z. Laser drilling of Ni-base single-crystal superalloy through thermal barrier coatings. Rare Met Mater Eng 2014;43(5):1193#8211;8. 14. Kunieda M, Mizugai K, Watanabe S, Shibuya N, Iwamoto N. Electrochemical micromachining using flat electrolyte jet. CIRP Ann - Manuf Technol 2011;60(1):251#8211;4. 15. Kawanaka T, Kato S, Kunieda M, Murray JW, Clare AT. Selective surface texturing using electrolyte jet machining. Procedia CIRP 2014;13:345#8211;9. 16. Wang CC, Chow HM, Yang LD, Lu CT. Recast layer removal after electrical discharge machining via Taguchi analysis: A feasibility study. J Mater Process Technol 2009;209(8):4134#8211;40. 17. Nguyen MD, Rahman M, San Wong Y. Simultaneous micro-EDM and micro-ECM in low-resistivity deionized water. Int J Mach Tools Manuf 2012;54-55:55#8211;65. 18. Sen M, Shan H. A review of electrochemical macro- to micro-hole drilling processes. Int J Mach Tools Manuf 2005;45(2):137#8211;52. 19. Nguyen MD, Rahman M, San Wong Y. Enhanced surface integrity and dimensional accuracy by simultaneous micro-ED/EC milling. CIRP Ann - Manuf Technol 2012;61(1):191#8211;4. 20. Zhang Y, Xu Z, Zhu D, Xing J. Tube electrode high-speed electrochemical discharge drilling using low-conductivity salt solution. Int J Mach Tools Manuf 2015;92:10#8211;8. 21. Liu DS, Zhang DX, Liang JW, Wen ZX, Yue ZF. Prediction of creep rupture life of a V-notched bar in DD6 Ni-based single crystal superalloy. Mater Sci Eng: A 2014;615:14#8211;21. 22. Jichun X, Jiarong L, Shizhong L. Surface recrystallization in nickel base single crystal superalloy DD6. Chin J Aeronaut 2010;23(4):478#8211;85. 23. Sun N, Zhang L, Li Z, Shan A. The effect of microstructure on the creep behavior of a low rhenium-containing single crystal nickel-based superalloy. Mater Sci Eng: A 2014;606:175#8211;86.

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2、2018.12.29-2019.1.13: 在广泛查阅资料的基础上,完成外文翻译、文献综述和开题报告等工作。

3、2019.1.13-2019.3.12: 进行课题的机床图纸绘制等。

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