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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2020-04-19 21:22:51  

摘 要

大数据时代的来临,影响着企业的生存命运,尤其是制造业,最新的政府会议提出,实施大数据战略. 大数据已经成为我国经济发展的重要保障,是新一代信息技术,是未来的发展方向,与产业发展紧密相连.它不但对企业的生产研发起到重要作用,同时也在生产制造方面不可或缺,是经营管理的重要手段,也对销售服务产生影响,在整个产业链中有着举足轻重的地位。大数据与制造业融合空间广阔、发展潜力巨大,随着大数据的发展其优势逐渐显现出来,海量化的信息,快速化的发展,多样化的特征,价值化的体现,数据资产逐渐成为了企业关注的目标,也是他们生产的核心所在。大数据的作用不仅局限于此,对于产品用户来说同样至关重要,并且这一形式越来越清晰,只有掌握了大数据,在技术上进行改革,符合智能化趋势,那么企业间有可能脱胎换骨,优势逐渐显现。对此许多企业已经开始有所认识,重视大数据战略布局,着力加以发展,成为了核心竞争力的重要部分,乃至改变整个企业的发展方向。我们必须把建设制造强国与发展大数据紧密结合起来,推动制造模式变革和制造业转型升级。



关键词:大数据 先进制造业 服务化 模式

Research on the Service Development Model of Advanced Manufacturing Industry under the background of big data


The arrival of the era of big data affects the survival and destiny of enterprises, especially manufacturing industry. The latest government conference put forward the implementation of the strategy of big data. Big data has become an important guarantee for China's economic development, a new generation of information technology, the future direction of development, and closely linked with industrial development. It not only plays an important role in the production and research of enterprises, but also in the production system. Manufacturing is indispensable, is an important means of business management, but also has an impact on sales services, plays a decisive role in the entire industrial chain. With the development of big data, its advantages gradually emerge. With the rapid development of sea quantitative information, diversified characteristics, and the embodiment of value, data assets have gradually become the focus of enterprises and the core of their production. The role of big data is not only limited to this, but also very important for product users. This form is becoming clearer and clearer. Only if we master big data and carry out technological reforms in line with the trend of intellectualization, it is possible for enterprises to change their minds and gradually show their advantages. Many enterprises have begun to understand this, attaching importance to the strategic layout of big data, and striving to develop it, which has become an important part of the core competitiveness, and even changed the direction of the development of the whole enterprise. We must closely combine the building of a strong manufacturing country with the development of big data to promote the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing mode.On the basis of reviewing and summarizing the research results of many scholars, taking manufacturing service enterprises as the research object, this paper summarizes the connotation of advanced manufacturing industry by using literature review method, analyses its service trend, points out the development mode and path of this industry from the aspects of concept and environment, and finally uses empirical analysis method to analyze enterprises. The results of this paper show that there are four modes of service-oriented development of advanced manufacturing industry under the background of big data, including industrial robot industry, 3D printing industry,

service robot industry and self-service terminal industry. Manufacturing enterprises can use data to tap and develop customers'needs to promote the innovation of service-oriented product design; data-based key processes and multi-stream integration to promote the reorganization of organizational structure and process; high-speed data information flow and sharing to accelerate the transformation of management mode and service culture; asset virtualization and large data sharing.

Key words: big data; advanced manufacturing; service; mode


摘要 Ⅰ


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1背景 1

1.1.2意义 2

1.2文献综述 3

1.2.1先进制造业服务化的相关研究 3

1.2.2先进制造业服务化发展模式的相关研究 3

1.2.3大数据对制造业的影响的相关研究 3

1.2.4大数据背景下制造业服务化的相关研究 4

1.3研究内容 5

1.4方法 5

1.4.1文献研究法 5

1.4.2实证分析法 5

第二章 大数据背景下的先进制造业的观点分析 6

2.1概述 6

2.1.1先进制造业的概念 6

2.1.2先进制造业中大数据的应用 6

2.2制造业服务化的深度解读 7

2.2.1制造业服务化的本质 7

2.2.2制造业服务化的特点 7

2.3制造企业服务化战略的驱动因素 7

2.3.1服务化可以为企业带来更多收益 7

2.3.2服务化还能够帮助制造企业获得战略竞争优势 8

2.3.3服务是影响产品采购决策和其重要性评估的关键因素 8

2.4总结 8

第三章 大数据背景下先进制造业服务化环境分析 9

3.1 PEST分析 9

3.1.1政治环境分析 9

3.1.2经济环境分析 10

3.1.3社会环境分析 10

3.1.4技术环境分析 11

3.2 SWOT分析 12

3.2.1优势分析 12

3.2.2劣势分析 12

3.2.3机会分析 12

3.2.4威胁分析 13

3.2.5矩阵分析 13

第四章 制造业服务化的发展模式 14

4.1工业机器人产业的模式 14

4.2 3D打印产业的模式 14

4.3 服务机器人产业的模式 15

4.4自助服务终端产业的模式 15

第五章 案例分析 17

5.1公司简介及其商业模式分析 17

5.2公司项目简介及大数据应用 17

5.2.1 兆维点灯机产品检测项目 17

5.2.2 大数据质量检测项目 18

第六章 结论 20

参考文献 21

致 谢 23

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义


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