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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 建筑环境与能源应用工程 > 正文


 2020-04-15 21:03:53  

摘 要





关键词:空调设计 温湿度独立控制 溶液除湿 冷热源设计 复合式土壤源热泵系统


This design is the ventilation and air conditioning engineering design of Changling Mansion office building in Dantu District of Zhenjiang City. The total building area of the building is about 12,000, with a total height of 41.2. It has ten floors above ground and one floor below ground. Among them, the first floor is the garage and equipment room, and the ten floors above ground are offices.

In air-conditioning design, the total cooling load of the building in summer is 1049.06kW and the total heat load in winter is 549.54 kW by calculating the hourly cooling load of summer. This air-conditioning design adopts semi-centralized, THIC air conditioning system. Dry fan coil unit and independent fresh air system are used for the office, corridor and front room. The fresh air is sent to each room after being processed by solution dehumidification fresh air unit installed in the fresh air room. The fan coil unit bears the indoor sensible heat load, and the fresh air bears all the latent heat load and the indoor sensible heat load.

In the design of heat and cold sources, a composite ground source heat pump system based on temperature and humidity independent air conditioning system is designed. According to the design parameters of cold and heat medium required in air conditioning design, a high temperature screw water source heat pump unit with 468.49 kW refrigeration capacity and 560.74 kW refrigeration capacity and a high temperature screw water chiller with 464 kW refrigeration capacity are adopted. Through the operation strategy of heat pump unit and chiller unit, to meet the needs of air conditioning user side.

In ventilation design, ventilation system is designed for underground garage, each machine room and bathroom. One mechanical ventilation system is used for underground garage, refrigeration machine room, pump room, power distribution room and distribution room. Mechanical exhaust fan ventilation is installed for bathrooms.

Key words: air conditioning design; THIC system; solution dehumidification; cold and heat source design; composite ground source heat pump system

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 工程概述 1

1.1工程概况 1

1.2设计参数 1

1.3围护结构热工性能 2

第二章 负荷计算 4

2.1冷负荷计算 4

2.2典型房间冷负荷计算 5

2.3热负荷计算 12

第三章 空调系统方案 13

3.1空调方案的选择与分析 13

3.2温湿度独立控制空调系统 14

第四章 空气处理过程 18

4.1新风处理过程状态点的确定 18

4.2风机盘管的空气处理过程及风量确定 22

第五章 气流组织 25

5.1气流组织形式及风口的分析与选择 25

5.2气流组织计算校核 25

第六章 水力计算 28

6.1风系统 28

6.2水系统 31

第七章 冷热源方案 35

7.1冷热源的选择与分析 35

7.2冷热源机组选型 36

第八章 地埋管换热系统设计 38

8.1地埋管释热量与吸热量确定 38

8.2地埋管管长计算 39

8.3地埋管侧循环水系统水力计算 43

第九章 冷热源系统设备选型 47

9.1冷却塔 47

9.2水泵 47

9.3分集水器及补水定压装置 52

第十章 管道防腐及保温设计 55

10.1管道保温设计 55

10.2管道防腐设计 55

第十一章 通风系统设计 56

11.1送、排风设计 56

11.2风系统水力计算 58

小结 60

参考文献 61

致 谢 62

附表A 建筑各房间负荷计算表 63

附表B 建筑各房间负荷计算表 65

附表C 气流组织校核计算表 67

附表D 新风系统水力计算表 69

附表E 空调水系统水力计算表 71

附表F 管循环水系统水力计算 83

附表G 通风系统水力计算表 91









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