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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 建筑环境与能源应用工程 > 正文


 2020-04-15 20:30:19  

摘 要




关键词:暖通空调 负荷计算 水力计算 空气源热泵

Air conditioning design of Ningbo Electronic Information Technology Building


The electronic information technology talent market complex building project is located in Ningbo City, with 1 underground floor and 9 floors above ground. The total height of the building is 33.8m and the building area is 11600m2.

The first floor of the ground is the garage and bicycle garage; the 9th floor function is mainly the talent exchange hall, senior talent exchange center, classroom, remote interview office, arbitration hall, negotiation room, office and archive room, etc.Based on the original plan, the design of the air conditioning system for civil buildings is carried out according to the requirements of relevant design specifications. The cold load is calculated by the engineering simplified method of the harmonic reaction method, and the heat load calculation is estimated by the index method.

The first floor two-level talent exchange hall and the large office on the third to the ninth floor adopt the all-air primary air return system, the second floor small classroom, the large classroom, the arbitral tribunal, the remote interview, the talent assessment; the third floor archive room, four to nine floors The small office is equipped with a fan coil and an independent fresh air system. The all-air system uses a square diffuser to supply air, and the fan coil and the fresh air system share the double-sided louver tuyere side air supply. The air conditioning water system uses a closed system with dual control primary pump flow. Ningbo is a hot summer and cold winter zone. It is suitable for air source heat pumps. After the economic scheme is compared, the air source heat pump is selected as the cold heat source.

Keywords: HVAC, load calculation, hydraulic calculation, air source heat pump


摘 要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 工程概况 1

1.1工程名称 1

1.2建筑概况 1

1.3设计内容 1

1.4设计参数 1

1.5建筑资料 1

第二章 负荷计算 3

2.1设计参数 3

2.1.1宁波市室外气象参数 3

2.1.2室内设计参数 3

2.1.3房间基本参数 4

2.1.4逐时冷负荷计算参数 4

2.2冷负荷计算 6

2.2.1外墙和屋面瞬变传热引起的冷负荷 6

2.2.2外窗的温差传热冷负荷 8

2.2.3外窗只有内遮阳设施的辐射负荷 8

2.2.4相邻空间有发热量时内围护结构温差传热的冷负荷 10

2.2.5人体显热冷负荷 10

2.2.6.人体潜热冷负荷 11

2.2.7.室内照明散热形成的冷负荷 11

2.2.8设备显热形成的冷负荷 12

2.2.9冷负荷总计 13

2.3热、湿负荷计算 14

2.3.1热负荷的计算 14

2.3.2湿负荷的计算 14

2.2.3热湿比的计算 14

第三章 空气调节系统 15

3.1空调风系统 15

3.1.1风系统的划分 15

3.1.2风量计算 16

3.1.3设备选型 18

3.1.4气流组织 20

3.1.5风管水力计算 22

3.2空调水系统 24

3.2.1水系统的选择 24

3.2.2水系统水力计算 25

3.3.3冷凝水管 27

第四章 冷热源系统 29

4.1方案比较 29

4.2设备选型 29

4.2.1热泵选型 29

4.2.2循环水泵 30

4.2.3.补水设计 31

4.2.4分集水器 32

4.2.5膨胀水箱 32

4.2.6水过滤器 33

4.2.7机房布置 34

第五章 通风系统 35

5.1通风方案 35

5.2通风规范 35

5.3风量计算 36

5.3.1汽车车库 36

5.3.2其余房间 36

5.4水力计算 36

5.4.1计算步骤 36

5.4.2 计算结果 37

5.5设备选型 37

第六章 设备消声、隔音与减震 38

6.1设备消声与隔音 38

6.2设备减震设计 39

第七章 管道保温、防腐处理 40

7.1管道、设备防腐 40

7.2管道、设备保温 40

小结 41

参考文献 42

第一章 工程概况








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