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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程 > 正文


 2020-04-15 17:44:50  

摘 要



其次,在支架的整体外形和结构设计的基础上,本文提出了支架的整体设计方案,在三维软件SolidWorks中建立支架的三维模型 。将支架的三维模型导入到有限元分析软件ANSYS workbench中,对支架进行静,动态分析,谐响应分析。找到支架结构上的薄弱点,为后续的优化设计提供方向。

最后,应用ANSYS workbench中的拓扑优化模块对支架进行优化设计,结合有限元仿真计算结果,对支架进行优化,在确保支架静、动刚度,强度将优化后,尽量减少支架材料的使用量。将优化后支架与优化前支架的各项性能参数进行对比分析,确保优化为正优化。



The speed-increasing box is an important part of a large-scale wind turbine, and it is necessary to test the performance of the speed-increasing box with a test bench. The research object of this paper is the support of the speed increase box test bench, and the structural optimization design of the support. In this paper, the structural design and simulation analysis of the stent are carried out. The main research contents include:

Firstly, on the basis of fully understanding the development of the relevant bracket design, through the analysis of the actual working conditions and design requirements of the bracket, the overall structural design of the large wind power speed increasing box experimental bench bracket is proposed.

Secondly, based on the overall shape and structural design of the bracket, this paper proposes the overall design of the bracket. In the 3D software SolidWorks, the 3D model of the bracket is established. The three-dimensional model of the stent was introduced into the finite element analysis software ANSYS workbench, and the stent was subjected to static, dynamic analysis and harmonic response analysis. Find weak points on the structure of the bracket to provide direction for subsequent optimization.

Finally, the topology optimization module in ANSYS workbench is used to optimize the design of the bracket. Combined with the finite element simulation calculation results, the bracket is optimized, and the performance parameters of the bracket and the optimized front bracket are optimized after ensuring the static and dynamic stiffness of the bracket. Conduct a comparative analysis to ensure that the optimization is positive.

KEY WORDS: bracket, Finite element, Simulation calculation, Topology optimization


摘要 I


第一章绪论 1

1.1课题背景及意义 1

1.2国内支架优化研究现状 2

1.3拓扑优化结构设计研究现状 2

1.4论文的研究内容 3

第二章 大型风电增速箱实验台支架总体方案设计 5

2.1大型风电增速箱实验台简介 5

2.1.1大型风电实验台简介 5

2.1.2支架的性能指标 5

2.2支架设计需求分析 5

2.2.1设计要求 6

2.3总体方案设计 6

2.3.1支架结构设计 6

2.3.2锁紧部位选择 10

2.3.3 支架导轨选择 10

2.3.4传动部件的选择 11

2.3.5压板面的选择 11

2.4本章小结 12

第三章 实验台支架有限元仿真分析 13

3.1支架结构特点介绍 13

3.2大型风电增速箱支架有限元分析模型的建立 13

3.2.1有限元分析基础 13

3.2.2实体模型的建立 13

3.2.3材料的选择 14

3.2.4网格划分 15

3.2.5施加载荷和约束 16

3.2.6仿真结果分析 18

3.3支架模态分析 20

3.3.1模态分析步骤 20

3.3.2模态分析结果与分析 20

3.3.3模态结果分析 22

3.4支架谐响应分析 23

3.5支架安全系数计算 26

3.6本章小结 26

第四章 支架拓扑优化设计 28

4.1引言 28

4.2拓扑优化概述 28

4.3支架拓扑优化设定 29

4.3.1拓扑优化计算及结果 29

4.3.2拓扑优化结果分析 31

4.3.3支架结构优化 31

4.4支架优化前后性能分析对比 31

4.4.1优化前后支架静力学分析对比结果 32

4.4.2优化前后支架模态分析对比结果 34

4.5本章小结 35

第五章成本及经济效益分析 36

第六章本文总结以及工作展望 37

6.1本文总结 37

6.2工作展望 37

参考文献 39

致谢 41

第一章 绪论






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