2020-04-15 17:44:34
摘 要
关键词:板式换热器 铝合金 泄漏 原因分析
In this paper, the leakage accident of high coal-content aluminum alloy plate heat exchanger in a petrochemical enterprise in Inner Mongolia was investigated and analyzed through sampling test. For most of the materials selected for plate heat exchanger at home and abroad were analyzed, and the understanding of the principle of operation of aluminum heat exchanger and the work environment, analyze the causes of leakage to the case, come to the conclusion that failure, determine the main factors affecting its failure, put forward the corresponding control measures to prevent and avoid such accident recurring physical Suggestions are given. And refer to the relevant materials of heat exchanger main material, to understand the mechanical properties of the selected material, from the macro and micro aspects of the analysis, to understand the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of metal material, a comprehensive inspection of the plate heat exchanger used in the material leakage and failure reasons. In order to ensure that the production of high quality, low cost, high production efficiency, highly adapt to the working conditions and working environment of the heat exchanger, can be safe and reliable operation.
Key Words: Plate heat exchanger Aluminum alloy Leakage Cause analysis
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 板式换热器简介 1
1.1板式换热器的结构简介 1
1.2换热器材料选取 1
1.3换热器材料的生产工艺 2
第二章 试样材料的性能 5
2.1试样材料的典型性能 5
2.2试样材料的工艺性能 5
2.3试样材料的品种、状态和典型用途 6
第三章 换热器的失效分析 7
3.1换热器材料取样 7
3.2换热器常见的失效事故 7
3.3换热器的失效形式 8
3.4换热器的泄漏分析及其基本理论 8
第四章 板式换热器泄漏分析实例 9
4.1失效换热器概述 9
4.2现场勘验 9
4.3研究分析方法 14
4.4设备制造缺陷分析 15
4.5设备运行缺陷分析 19
4.5.1金相观察 19
4.5.2扫描电镜分析 20
4.5.3断口表面成分分析 22
4.6本章小结 25
第五章 社会效益评估 27
结论与展望 28
参考文献 29
致谢 31
第一章 板式换热器简介
图 1‑1换热器结构示意图
表 1‑1 5082和5083铝合金化学成分