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 2020-04-12 08:46:39  

摘 要


本文采用C/S模式的系统设计方案和上位机与下位机结合的方法。下位机采用ARM处理器作为监测终端设备的微控制器,搭建外部电路完成测量、控制功能。上位机则在Visual C 平台上采用了Socket套接字技术实现网络通信和采用基于MFC的程序设计完成服务器的界面设计。





Urbanization causes a lot of environmental problems. The deterioration of air quality seriously affects people's health. The government is concerning about improving the air quality by monitoring. However, at present, the construction of air quality monitoring network is not perfect enough. There are short of monitoring equipments, and the monitoring items are relatively simple. In order to know about the air quality in a certain place at any time and any place, an air pollution monitoring system based on the C/S model was designed. Place monitoring equipment at multiple monitoring points to record the environmental parameters, including environmental temperature and humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2), and the major pollutants in the air, including suspended particulates, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Ozone(O3), carbon monoxide(CO), hydrogen sulfide(H2S), and ammonia(NH3). Multiple monitoring devices transmit measurement data to the application program on the computer through network communication. The pollutant information is displayed on the interface in real time, which make the current air pollution condition understood intuitively. The use of database technology can save pollutant datas persistently and show historical changes. User can effectively control and prevent pollutant emissions by searching the historical datas.

This paper adopts C/S mode and the method of combining upper computer and lower machine to form a system. The lower machine uses an ARM processor as a microcontroller in monitoring hardware circuit, and builds an external circuit to perform measurement and control functions. The upper computer adopts Socket technology to realize network communication and adopts MFC-based programming to complete the interface design of the server on the Visual C platform.

This article combines the hardware and software design methods. The hardware includes the circuit design of the monitoring devices. The software includes the interface design in Windows system、Socket network programing and database management Technology.

Experimental shows that the system can measure pollution gas data with an error of less than 5% and display it in real time on the interface. It has high reliability, good stability, and has achieved very good prac tical results.

Key words: air monitoring; C/S model; network communication;database technology

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容和主要工作 3

第2章 系统总体设计 5

2.1大气污染监测系统的设计分析 5

2.2 C/S体系结构介绍 5

2.3 应用程序服务器的三层C/S模式 6

2.4 系统总体结构 7

2.5 本章小结 8

第3章 监测系统的下位机设计 9

3.1硬件总体结构 9

3.2 传感器模块 10

3.3 网络通信模块 12

3.3.1 TCP/IP协议介绍 12

3.3.2 LwIP协议栈在嵌入式设备中的移植 13

3.3.3以太网接口电路 14

3.3.3 客户机的TCP过程 15

3.4 触摸按键控制模块 16

3.5 液晶显示屏模块 16

3.6 风机驱动模块和蜂鸣器模块 17

3.7 本章小结 17

第4章 监测系统服务器设计 18

4.1 服务器端开发平台 18

4.2 服务器网络通信的实现 19

4.2.1 socket套接字 19

4.2.2 基于TCP的socket编程 20

4.2.3 select模型原理 20

4.3 MySQL数据库管理 21

4.4 程序界面设计 22

4.4.1 使用列表控件实时显示污染物数据 23

4.4.2 通过按钮调用子节点对话框 24

4.4.3使用ActiveX控件绘制数据曲线图 24

4.5 本章小结 25

第5章 系统测试与实验验证 26

5.1 服务器功能测试 26

5.2 监测设备功能测试 27

5.3 本章小结 29

第6章 总结与展望 30

6.1总结 30

6.2展望 30

参考文献 31

致谢 33

第1章 绪论



近年来,雾霾问题越来越严重,空气质量越来越成为人们高度关注的指标。治理大气污染,要对空气污染要采取一系列的防御措施,最为首要的环节是对环境空气质量进行检测。空气质量监测系统(Air Quality Monitoring System,AQMS)是指对城市或区域内的气体进行连续监测的信息化系统,由负责测量的检测仪器和系统软件组成,具有自动检测空气质量和将数据发送出去的功能[2]。近年来,全国城市相继实施环境连续监测,并在网络上实时发布空气质量信息。虽然人们可以通过网络了解环保局发布的空气质量信息,可是由于各个城市条件的多样性和空间的局限性,该发布的数据的是监测站点附近的污染物指标,一个地方的局部空气质量会有很大不同,在某些特定地点,如生产废气的工厂,人们无法随时随地了解空气质量情况,若有害气体泄露,而人们无法得知有效信息,这将将严重威胁作业人员和工厂附近居民的生命安全身体健康。在保护环境下进行生产活动,控制污染物的排放,必须密切监视污染物的排放情况,因此在工业生产地方布置空气污染监测系统是必要的措施[3]。目前大多数城市及工厂采用的监测系统是国外的技术,国外的控制水平相对较高,但一般存在以下问题:价格昂贵,升级成本高,售后服务难度大,环境污染的标准不一样,检测的指标也不同,产品的兼容性差,维护费用高。针对以上问题,研发大气污染的监测系统十分必要。

1.2 国内外研究现状



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