2022-07-11 20:11:39
摘 要
关键词:RTK 坐标转换参数 基准站 任意架设
The research and analysis of the location of set up the RTK base station
Since the advent of global positioning system, as measuring location new technology, Widely applied in the field of land navigation and positioning measurement, In the geodetic surveying and engineering survey application fields produced unprecedented impact.With GPS technology constantly development, its application has in various fields, especially the real-time dynamic difference GPS (RTK) the rapid development of technology and perfect, in the field of conventional measurement is more and more widely used.
RTK measurement are the coordinates of the WGS - 84 coordinates, but usually is mostly used in the application of Beijing 54 coordinate or xi 'an 80 coordinates, to solve the coordinate transformation parameters between two coordinate system is an important part of the gps-rtk positioning technology.
In RTK measurement, a lot of people for RTK reference station arbitrary erection technology existence question and puzzled, think now that is a base station, it should be set up on the known points, on the other hand will not be able to obtain accurate results. Base station can be arbitrarily set up? From two aspects of theory and practice, this paper analysed the problem.
Key Words: RTK; coordinate conversion parameters; base station; arbitrary erection
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究的问题 1
1.2 GPS-RTK的基本概述 1
1.3 RTK的特点 1
1.4 RTK的发展史 2
第二章 RTK测量的原理及操作规范 5
2.1 RTK系统组成及测量原理 5
2.2 RTK测量操作相关 5
2.2.1 RTK测量的基本操作流程 5
2.2.2 RTK测量的注意事项 6
2.3 RTK控制测量技术规范 7
2.3.1 RTK控制测量一般规定 7
2.3.2 RTK平面控制测量技术要求 8
2.3.3 成果数据处理与检查规范 9
第三章 坐标转换参数介绍及求解过程 12
3.1 常用的坐标转换参数 12
3.1.1 七参数 12
3.1.2 三参数 12
3.1.3 四参数 13
3.2 坐标转换参数的求解 13
第四章 RTK基站架设相关探讨 17
4.1 RTK基站架设方法 17
4.1.1 在已知点上设站 17
4.1.2 在未知点上设站 17
4.2 1 nRTK的使用方法 21
4.2.1 1 nRTK的操作误区 21
4.2.2 1 nRTK的正确操作方法 23
4.3 RTK换站的操作相关 24
总结 25
参考文献 26
致谢 27
第一章 绪论
1.2 GPS-RTK的基本概述
RTK是英文Real-time kinematic(实时动态)的缩写,这是一种新的常用的GPS测量方法。以前的静态、快速静态、动态测量都需要事后进行解算才能获得厘米级的精度,而RTK是能够在野外实时得到厘米级定位精度的测量方法,它采用了载波相位动态实时差分方法,是GPS应用的重大里程碑。在测量工程领域,RTK技术已广泛用于工程测量、航空摄影测量以及地形测量等各个方面,这主要依赖于GPS系统可以向全球任何用户全天候地连续提供高精度的三维坐标、三维速度和时间信息等技术参数。目前RTK设备已相当普及,给广大用户在测量工程领域带来很大便利。
1.3 RTK的特点