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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2022-07-10 19:47:10  


摘 要



关键词: 热力管道 保温结构 优选

Optimization and design of structure of the thermal pipe insulation petrochemical system


Heat pipe is used for pipeline heat medium, used to carry, transport, heat transfer medium heat. Heat pipe engineering usually refers to the pipeline conveying hot water, steam. In the complex and huge system in petrochemical, pipeline transportation network is the important. In the transportation process, because the heat medium temperature is too high,,and temperature difference between ambient temperature is too high, so the loss of heat in this process,the heat is lost through the pipe surface in the air, is difficult to recycle, so can only rely on the heat insulation, all kinds of thermal pipe insulation measures to minimize heat thus, loss, insulation measures heat pipe network is very necessary and important. Heat some large enterprises, relatively small businesses, conveying its length is several times the small enterprises, some as high as the number of 10Km. Long distance transportation, have to consider a problem: resource consumption. The close relationship between enterprises in the energy consumption and economic development, resource is shipped out safe, resources are not loss, the economic efficiency of enterprises will be improved. Enterprises to carry out thermal pipeline transportation energy business, is mainly for the enterprises to profit, in order to improve the social and economic benefits. In order to save energy and ensure the production process requirements, need in the heat pipe outer surface applied insulation structure, prevent heat loss.

Key words: Heating pipeline Thermal insulation structure Selective preference


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章绪论 1

1.1管道保温技术发展与现状 1

1.2管道保温研究背景 2

1.3管道保温研究意义 3

1.4 保温层下腐蚀 4

1.4.1 保温层下腐蚀的电化学历程 4

1.4.2易发生保温层下腐蚀的情形 5

第二章 保温材料的种类和选择原则 7

2.1 保温材料的分类 7

2.2对保温材料的要求 8

2.3保温层材料的选择 9

2.3.1工业设备和管道保温层材料的要求 9

2.3.2高温管道和设备保温层各结构材料优选 10

2.4 常用保温材料的主要性能及价格 15

2.5室外架空热力管道保温比较 15

2.6结论 16

第三章 热力管道所用的保温层结构 17

3.1 对保温结构的要求 17

3.2管道的保温结构 17

3.3 管道附件的保温结构 22

3.3.1 法兰保温结构 22

3.3.2阀门保温结构 23

3.3.3 弯管保温 24

3.4管道膨胀缝和膨胀间隙 24

3.5 保护层 25

3.6 本章小结 26

第四章 热力管道及其保温层设计方法 27

4.1热力管道及其保温层设计方法浅析 27

4.2热力管道的热经济分析 27

4.3最佳管径和最佳保温层厚度计算 29

4.4计算实例与结果分析 30

4.5 结论 33

第五章 结论与展望 34

5.1 结论 34

5.2 展望 34

参考文献 35

致谢 37


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