2022-06-12 20:34:17
摘 要
关键字:地理国情普查 高分辨率影像 目视解译 计算机自动解译
Informational extraction on geographic conditions survey by high resolution images
Geographical conditions of census was a major survey of national power, It is an important means of access to the situations of geographic information, that is the basic work to know the present situation of the surface natural, ecological and human activity.With the continuous development of high resolution satellite remote sensing technology, the high resolution remote sensing image application of geographic conditions survey research has important significance.
Based on geographical conditions survey as the research background,regarding luan biandongxiang in anhui province as the study area, this paper based on the content and requirements specification of geographic conditions census geography national census, the feature classification involved, puts forward the main content of the geographical conditions census and technical process;By analyzing the types and characteristics of high resolution remote sensing data, this paper discusses the control point selection, correct, operation method of the registration and fusion process, focuses on visual interpretation and computer automatic interpretation of remote sensing image, on the basis of typical experimental area for information extraction,The result of the information extraction using kappa precision comparison analysis, extracting the accuracy of the evaluation, and it provides a data basis for related studies.
Key word: Geographical conditions of census; High resolution images;
Visual interpretation; Computer automatic interpretation
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 选题的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外现状和动态 1
1.3 研究的内容 3
1.4 解决的问题 3
1.5 研究的技术路线 3
第二章 理论与技术方法原理 5
2.1 地理国情的基本概念 5
2.2 地理国情的技术方法 5
2.2.1 分类体系建立 5
2.2.2 手工目视解译的方法 6
2.2.3 面向对象的计算机自动解译分类方法 7
2.2.4 遥感数字图像计算机分类基本过程 8
第三章 研究区域和数据 9
3.1 研究的区域 9
3.1.1 地理位置 9
3.1.2 地形地貌 9
3.2 航空影像 9
3.2.1 基本概述 9
3.3 遥感影像数据预处理过程 10
3.3.1 几何纠正 10
3.3.2 裁剪 11
第四章 数据处理 13
4.1 目视解译 13
4.1.1 软件介绍 13
4.1.2 分类体系 13
4.1.3 解译标志 14
4.1.4 利用解译标志的解译过程和解译方法 15
4.2 面向对象的计算机自动解译 17
4.2.1 软件介绍 17
4.2.2 导入栅格图像 17
4.2.3 创建图像对象 18
4.2.4 通过分类体系创建知识库 19
4.2.5 插入分类器 19
4.2.6 定义样本对象 20
4.2.7 对图像进行分类 21
4.3 精度分析 22
4.3.1 KAPPA系数 22
4.3.2 选定对比区域 23
4.3.3 选定对比点位 24
4.3.3 运用KAPPA系数测算精度 25
第五章 结论与展望 26
5.1 论文的研究成果 26
5.2 存在的问题 26
5.3 需要进一步研究的问题 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 30