2022-05-27 22:34:47
摘 要
关键词: 磁悬浮轴承 结构优化 有限元分析
Magnetic suspension bearing is a new type of high performance bearing, which could make rotor suspend without contact at the electromagnetic force and there is not any mechanical contact with the stator. Compared with the traditional bearings, magnetic suspension bearing has mangy advantages: no friction, no wear, low noise,no pollution, no less. It has wide application prospects,so in order to apply magnetic suspension bearing to broader fields,simple structure, superior performance and low cost are extremely vital and significant. In this paper, the study method is finite element analysis method,and the aim is completing the optional design of the structure of the radial magnetic suspension bearings. The concrete content is as follows:
At first, this paper discusses the basic steps for solving the radial magnetic suspension bearing with the finite element analysis, which is the basic upholstery for analyzing its electromagnetic force. And in this paper, there are more detailed finite element analysis on the system structure of the rotor and stator of the radial magnetic suspensionbearing, and the analysis on the structural characteristics of the junction between stator and air gap.
Secondly, we can deduce the structure design of radial magnetic suspension bearing from this paper,including how to select magnetic materials, how to design the structure of magnetic suspension bearing and the relationship among the structure parameters and so on.
Thirdly, on the basis of the above designs, I have analyzed the magnetic field of magnetic suspension bearing with the finite element analysis, and finally concluded the calculation methods and formulas of electromagnetic force. Furthermore, on the basis of the finite element analysis, with the ANSYS finite element analysis software, I have analyzed the performances of different types of magnetic suspension bearings, then concluded the optimum structure selection of three pairs of polars type C and four pairs of polars type C of the electric magnetic suspension bearings, and made calibration for accuracy with the finite element analysis method in the end.
Key words: magnetic suspension bearing; structure optimization; finite element analysis
摘要 I
章 绪论 1
1.1磁悬浮轴承概述 1
1.2磁悬浮技术的应用 2
1.3磁悬浮轴承的发展状况 3
1.4磁悬浮轴承的发展趋势及主要问题 4
1.5本论文的主要工作 4
1.6本章小结 5
第二章 磁悬浮轴承的工作原理及数学模型 6
2.1 磁悬浮轴承总体结构和工作原理 6
2.1.1 磁悬浮轴承电磁力的计算 6
2.1.2磁悬浮轴承的总体结构 8
2.2磁悬浮轴承系统数学模型 9
2.2.1磁悬浮轴承数学模型 9
2.2.2磁悬浮轴承控制系统数学模型 13
2.3本章小结 14
第三章 电磁悬浮轴承的设计与计算 15
3.1铁磁材料的特性 15
3.2铁磁材料工作点的优化选择 16
3.3 C型径向磁悬浮轴承的优化设计 17
3.3.1径向电磁悬浮轴承定子尺寸关系 19
3.3.2定子绕组尺寸关系 20
3.3.3转子尺寸关系 21
3.3.4电磁悬浮轴承的温升、电感、电阻计算 22
3.3.5整体设计流程 23
3.4不同约束条件下的优化设计 28
3.4.1已知定子内径 28
3.4.2已知定子外径 29
3.4.3已知转轴轴径和定子厚度 30
3.5本章小结 33
第四章 电磁悬浮轴承的有限元分析 34
4.1有限元分析软件ANSYS 34
4.2基于ANSYS二次开发的磁悬浮轴承电磁特性有限元分析软件 34
4.3磁悬浮轴承的磁场有限元分析 37
4.3.1磁悬浮轴承磁场有限元分析原理 37
4.3.2电磁悬浮轴承有限元ANSYS磁场分析 40
4.4本章小结 45
第五章 总结和展望 46
参考文献 47
第一章 绪论
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