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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 市场营销 > 正文


 2022-05-26 21:45:47  


摘 要



关键词:互联网 企业 营销 策略

The Enterprise Marketing Strategy Research under the Age of the Internet


With Internet having increasingly an influence on our life, it is very significant for enterprise to study it.The essay tries to explore it from the following five aspects. In the opinion of the writer,firstly,enterprise should keep its importance in mind , understanding its relevant data, meanwhile posses internet thought,knowing its tool:new mobile media;Secondly,enterprise should take a chance from action,and understand four opportunities in Internet time.Thirdly,enterprise should realize three big challenges in Internet time and copy with it easily.

Finally discuss the enterprise marketing strategy choice problem under the age of the Internet? The author thinks that, the Internet marketing as an important component of marketing model, the enterprise only will the Internet promoted to the level of enterprise marketing strategy, adjust measures to local conditions, combinative oneself characteristics, resources advantage, make full use of the Internet, through the analysis of the large data accurate target customers, to understand consumer behavior, accurate data analysis was carried out on the market segment, formulate marketing strategy to match. Innovative ways to improve the user viscosity, optimize logistics distribution scheme improve service quality in order to improve the customer satisfaction, the development of information security technology improve the ability of maintenance of information security. Only the comprehensive considerations fully implement all aspects of the marketing strategy to ensure the successful implementation of marketing strategy.

Key Words: Internet;Enterprise;Marketing;Strategy

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 导论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究思路及方法 1

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1互联网营销 3

2.2互联网营销的特点和策略 3

2.3简要评述 4

第三章 互联网对企业营销活动的机遇 5

3.1营销范围更广 5

3.2营销成本更低 5

3.3信息传播更高效 6

3.4接触的渠道更宽 6

第四章 互联网对企业营销活动的挑战 8

4.1维持用户粘性的挑战 8

4.2信用安全的挑战 8

4.3物流配套服务的挑战 9

第五章 互联网时代下企业营销策略的选择 11

5.1精准锁定目标客户 11

5.2创新传播方式 11

5.3优化物流配送方案 12

5.4提高维护信息安全能力 12

结 语 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 16

第一章 导论

1.1 研究背景

互联网的发展和运用根植于美国,在上个世纪六十年代末互联网在美洲大陆被发明和创造。互联网的本质上是由各个微信端口组合而成,这些微型端口即计算机使用几乎完全无差别的语言和协议,即广域网、局域网和单机网络。互联网从诞生之日起就从各个方面瓦解了人类原来的生存结构,企业运用互联网进行商业运作异常重要。例如:互联网 传统集市,有了淘宝;互联网 传统百货卖场、传统银行、传统红娘、传统交通,分别诞生了京东、支付宝、世纪佳缘、快的滴滴。毫不夸张地说互联网已经深入人们生存的每一寸土地,并且和传统的生产领域相结合,不仅给传统生产领域注入了新的活力,同样也使得互联网本身的意义更加深远。

在2015年两会的政府工作报告中,李克强总理更是浓墨重彩地把互联网提升到了国家战略的高度,并且提出了“互联网 ”的概念,鼓励更多企业使用互联网开展营销活动,把传统的销售渠道整合到网络环境下是国家的下一步发展方针[1]。所以启迪更多的企业重新认识并思考互联网,并且把企业的销售链和供应链嵌入到互联网背景中,进一步提高企业的生产运作和营销效率成了一个需要思考的问题。而本文这是基于互联网逐渐普及并被企业所认知重要性的这一时代背景下展开研究。


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