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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2022-05-21 22:32:17  


摘 要




关键字:月桂酸乙酯 酯化 固体酸

Preperation of catalysts for esterification of lauric acid and methanol


Ethyl laureate is an important edible additive. Currently it is prepared through the esterification of lauric acid and ethanol with concentrated sulfuric acid as the catalyst. Despite the well catalytic property of sulfuric acid, the concentrated sulfuric acid is corrosive and it is difficult to separate sulfuric acid after reaction, leading to pollution to the product ethyl laureate which could be used in food industry. With the growing demand of environmental regulations, it is a tendency of the replacement of homogeneous mineral acids with solid acids.

SBA-15 is a mesoporous silica with high specific surface area, hydrothermal stability and ordered 2D hexagonal p6mm structure. Sulfonic acid group is an active Bronsted acid in esterification reactions. We successfully incorporate sulfonic acid group into SBA-15 mesoporous walls in one-pot synthesis and apply it to the esterification of lauric acid and ethanol as a novel solid acid catalyst.

The catalytic performance of the catalyst synthesized namely PrSO3H-SBA-15 was measured under different reaction conditions. The result shows that the PrSO3H-SBA-15 with an S/Si molar ratio of 0.0994, reaction temperature of 80℃, ethanol to lauric acid weight ratio of 20:1, stirring speed of 800r/min, 2wt.% catalyst used shows excellent catalytic performance after 10h with the lauric acid conversion of 82.7% and ethyl laureate yield of 76.1%. PrSO3H-SBA-15 retains its activity after 7 times of use indicating that the novel solid acid catalyst is reusable. The esterification of lauric acid and ethanol is related with the acid capacity and mass transfer property of the solid acid catalyst.

Key words: ethyl laureate esterification solid acid

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ


第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 月桂酸乙酯 1

1.2 月桂酸 1

1.3 月桂酸乙酯的应用 1

1.4 月桂酸乙酯合成方法与反应机理 2

1.5 月桂酸乙酯合成反应催化剂研究进展 2

1.6 介孔分子筛 8

1.7 本课题研究内容及意义 15

第二章 实验方法 17

2.1 实验所用试剂 17

2.2实验仪器及装置图 17

2.3 催化剂的制备 18

2.4 催化剂表征 18

2.5 月桂酸与乙醇酯化制备月桂酸乙酯的反应 19

2.6 结果与定量分析 20

第三章 结果和讨论 22

3.1 催化剂表征 22

3.2 反应结果 25

第四章 结论 31

参考文献 32




月桂酸乙酯(Ethyl laureate,简称EL)是一种直链脂肪酸酯,即十二酸乙酯(Dodecanoic acid)。月桂酸乙酯分子式为CH3(CH2)10COOC2H5,分子量228.37,熔点-10℃,沸点271℃,常温下为无色液体。


月桂酸(Lauric acid,简称LA)为直链脂肪酸,即十二酸。月桂酸分子式为CH3(CH2)10COOH,分子量200.32,熔点44.2℃,沸点298.9℃,常温下为白色固体。


1.3.1 食品添加剂

月桂酸乙酯又名十二烷基乙酯, 是一种具有花果香气的无色透明液体, 具有蜜甜似的花香,月桂酸乙酯具有蜡香、老姆酒香气以及脂肪、水果、牛奶、奶油味道, 天然品存在于康酿克、老姆酒、爱尔兰威士忌和白葡萄酒中。月桂酸乙酯可用于日化香精配方、食用香精和酒用香精配方中,常用于软饮料、冰淇淋、冰制食品、糖果、烘烤食品的定香剂。

1.3.2 化工助剂

月桂酸乙酯还广泛用作润滑剂、稀释剂、增塑剂、柔软剂等。近年来以月桂酸乙酯为原料开发的新产品月桂酰肼衍生物是氨纶丝的有效防泛黄剂, 该泛黄剂要求色度低, 在工业上得到广泛的应用。因此, 月桂酸乙酯具有巨大的市场潜力, 研发此产品有着非常重要的价值和经济效益。



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