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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给水排水工程 > 正文


 2022-05-01 21:41:50  


摘 要



关键词:给水; 消防; 喷淋; 排水; 热水; 雨水


The architectural design is located in Nanjing, Jiangsu jinxiu joint business building, 1596 square meters with a total construction area, underground construction area of 1300 square meters, ground with a total height of 63.75 metres, underground layer, 15 floors above ground, which has buildings 6 layers for the hotel, the main building 15 storey office. Conference and other pure office with real. Water supply and drainage engineering design includes indoor water supply system design, indoor drainage system design, indoor and outdoor fire water supply system design, hot water system and rainwater system design.

Life water supply system is divided into two areas: basement to four layer for low area, the direct supply of municipal water supply pipe network; five to 15 storeys for the area using variable speed pump water supply system. Fire water supply system for fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system, the building is a public building, and the building height is equal to or larger than 50m, in accordance with the provisions of the code for fire protection design of tall buildings, indoor fire hydrant water and outdoor fire hydrant water were taken 30L / S and 40L / s, automatic sprinkler system calculating water consumption 16L/s, automatic sprinkler system on the roof design pressurization equipment, fire in the first 10min fire water from the roof fire water supply, fire water tank of water by the fire pump from the fire pool extraction; 10 min after start fire pump, fire protection water pumped from the. The drainage system uses sewage and waste combined system. The drainage system adopts special double drainage system, and the ventilation runs out of the roof 2.00m, the bottom is single row.. Hot water system adopts centralized hot water supply system, the uplink to the vertical circular tube, hot water for six storey podium hotel bath water. PP-R water supply pipe is used in water supply system, fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system using iron pipe, vertical drainage pipe is made by PPI spiral drainage, drainage branch pipe of each layer by ordinary UPVC drainage tube. In the underground layer design storage tank and pump pressure, underground chamber and the other set puddle, set a puddle in the submersible sewage pump to ensure timely discharge of sewage.

Keywords: Water supply; fire fighting; fire control; drainage; hot water; rain water

目 录

摘要 …………………………………………………………………………………I

Abstract II

目 录 1

第一章 设计概况 1

1.1设计任务 1

1.2参考资料 1

1.3 设计内容 2

1.4 系统设计概述 2

1.4.1 给水系统 2

1.4.2 排水系统 2

1.4.3 雨水系统 2

1.4.4 热水系统 3

1.4.5 消火栓系统 3

1.4.6 自动喷水灭火系统 3

第二章 设计说明 4

2.1 给水系统 4

2.1.1给水方式选择原则 4

2.1.2 方案比选 4

2.1.3 给水方式确定 5

2.3排水系统 6

2.3.1排水方案 6

2.3.2通气立管选型 6

第三章 设计计算 7

一、给水系统 7

1.1 用水量计算 7

1.2水力计算 8

二、 消防系统 19

(一)消火栓系统 19

(二)自动喷淋系统 27

三、 排水系统 38

3.1.排水条件及形式选择 38

3.2.排水系统水力计算 38

3.3立管计算 38

3.4排水管道安装要求 47

四、 雨水系统 48

4.1屋面雨水排水系统计算 48

4.2降雨强度 48

4.3雨水立管的布置 48

4.4雨水斗 51

4.5雨水立管 51

4.6排出管选择 51

第四章 参考文献 52

第五章 结 语 53

第六章 谢 辞 54


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