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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2022-04-23 18:16:14  


摘 要




(3)通过仪器设备对不同填料配方的橡胶材料试样进行了机械性能测定,分析结果,得出填料对螺杆泵定子材料机械性能的影响。结果表明:高耐磨炭黑N330能使氢化丁腈橡胶硫化胶料具有较高的抗拉强度、硬度、延伸率以及压缩弹性模量; N880能使氢化丁腈橡胶硫化胶料具有较高的压缩回弹性能,得到的硫化胶料压缩永久变形较小,断后伸长率较低。

关键词:螺杆泵; 氢化丁腈橡胶; 机械性能; 填料

Effects of Fillers on the Mechanical Properties of Screw Pump Rubber


Due to the advantages of stability, easy operation and high efficiency, the screw pump plays an indispensable role in engineering applications. However, harsh working environment and large temperature difference make the rubber stator of screw pump fail easily, which is harmful to the regular production and may cause some unnecessary economic loss. Therefore it is urgent to develop a high performance stator rubber material. This paper works on nitrile rubber that is commonly used in single screw pump stators, study the mechanical properties of screw pump stator material under different fillers through the experimental research, theoretical simulation and numerical analysis. The main research work and conclusions are as follows:

(1)According to the requirements of flow and pressure design the structure parameters of each component of a single screw pump, and some other parameters such as screw section radius, transmission shaft and the bearing axial force, using the proe software respectively, to create a single screw pump rotor, stator, then assembled together.

(2)After electing one hydrogenated nitrile rubber as the research object from a large number of hydrogenated nitrile rubber manufacturers and grades, we made samples of different formulations through formulation design, rubber plastic refining process, refining process and curing.

(3)We tested the mechanical performance of samples through some specific instrument and equipment and analyzed the effect of fillers on the mechanical properties of screw pump stator material. The results showed that the high wear-resistant carbon black N330 made HNBR materials have high tensile strength, better hardness, elongation and Compression modulus, while the fine particle black carbon N880 gives it higher compression resilience and low compression set and elongation after break.

KEYWORDS:Screw pump; HNBR; Mechanical properties; Fillers

目 录

摘 要 i


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.1.1 课题背景 1

1.1.2 课题研究目的及工程应用价值 1

1.2螺杆泵简介及发展动向 2

1.2.1 螺杆泵简介 2

1.2.2 单螺杆泵的结构及工作原理 2

1.2.3 螺杆泵的发展存在的问题 4

1.3 螺杆泵失效原因 4

1.4 螺杆泵定子橡胶材料及发展动向 4

1.4.1 常用橡胶 4

1.4.2 近年来国内外定子橡胶研究现状 6

1.5 本文的主要研究内容 8

第二章 单螺杆泵的设计及建模 9

2.1单螺杆泵的设计计算 9

2.1.1螺杆和衬套结构参数的确定 9

2.1.2转子和定子的齿廓 11

2.1.3转子和定子工作表面积和容积的确定 14

2.1.4轴向力计算 15

2.2转子和定子的材料 17

2.3单螺杆泵的建模 18

2.3.1转子的建模 18

2.3.2定子的建模 24

2.3.3零件的装配 28

2.4本章小结 29

第三章 螺杆泵定子材料的制备 30

3.1 引言 30

3.2 螺杆泵定子橡胶材料的制备方法 30

3.2.1 塑炼 30

3.2.2 混炼 31

3.2.3 硫化 32

3.3 填充补强体系简介 34

3.3.1高耐磨炭黑N330(HAF) 34

3.3.2细粒子热裂法炭黑N880 34

3.4定子橡胶材料配方设计 35

3.4.1 原材料及其来源 35

3.4.2 定子橡胶材料的配方设计 35

3.5 螺杆泵定子材料的制备仪器及其规格 36

3.6螺杆泵定子材料的制备过程 36

3.7 本章小结 38

第四章 螺杆泵定子橡胶材料的机械性能试验 39

4.1 引言 39

4.2 螺杆泵定子橡胶材料的机械性能试验 39

4.2.1 拉伸性能测定 39

4.2.2 硬度的测定 40

4.2.3 撕裂强度的测定 40

4.2.4 压缩永久变形性能的测定 41

4.2.5 压缩应力应变性能的测定 42

4.2.6 压缩应力松弛性能的测定 43

4.5 机械性能试验结果及分析 43

4.4 本章小结 46

第五章 总结与展望 47

5.1 本文主要工作以及结论 47

5.2 展望 47

参考文献 49

致 谢 53

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言

1.1.1 课题背景


作为一种容积式转子泵,螺杆泵是依靠由螺杆(转子) 和衬套(定子) 形成的密封腔的容积变化来吸入和排出液体的[1]。同时也包含万向节、传动轴、轴封、轴承座、吸入室和排出室等部件。其结构不含阀体,流道简单,能够连续稳定的输送介质,水力损失较低并且不易沉积沙粒。相较于潜油电泵、柱塞泵等传统采油方法,螺杆泵采油价格低廉,可适用于多种原油,效率更高,能源消耗更少,优势明显,从而获得了世界各国油田公司的青睐,已经成为一种不可替代的采油工具。


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