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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给水排水工程 > 正文


 2022-04-09 21:59:55  


摘 要








The design for Rugao Economic Development Zone water supply engineering design, for water supply pipe network design and plant design. Design of water supply network water 4 million tons, consider the long-term planning, network design a complete, waterworks at the completion of the second phase, the design for a pipe network and water plant process design.

Rugao Economic Development Zone waterworks water from the Sea Canal, raw water turbidity generally 2000NTU, water quality conforms to the standard for drinking water quality. Tap water production is mainly development zone of the residents and business service. Considering water plant water use and actual water production capacity of 2.1 million tons. Water treatment choice of conventional process: Coagulation sedimentation selection of mechanical agitation to clarify the pool, a total of 2; Filter selection of V type filter, a total of 2; selection of liquid chlorine disinfection disinfection, chlorine design; the water in the pool is equipped with 2 seat. Through a mud pool, two concentrated pool, two regulation pool, a removal water room to deal with waste sludge.

In order to ensure the daily transportation and material transportation is convenient, in the vicinity of the main structures have road to arrive. In order to avoid the influence of construction, all structures have a certain distance between.

Elevation layout, the structure of complexes between flow for gravity flow, two building between surface height difference of the water head loss in the process, including buildings, connecting pipes, the measuring equipment head loss,.

Waterworks of ancillary buildings according to the function points of production and life. Production include: laboratories, mechanical rooms, office space and other; life including: dining room, boiler room, dormitory and so on.

Key words: water supply engineering, pipe network design, waterworks design目录

摘要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 给水管网设计与计算 8

1.1设计用水量及其调节计算 8

1.1.1最高日设计用水量 8

1.1.2设计用水量变化及其调节计算 8

1.1.3管线布置 9

1.2设计流量分配与管径设计 9

1.2.1节点流量分配计算 9

1.2.2管段设计流量分配 11

1.2.3管径及流速确定 12

1.2.4设计工况分析 13

1.3泵站扬程设计 14

1.4管网设计校核 15

1.4.1事故工况校核 15

1.4.2消防工况校核 18

第二章 水厂设计规划 22

2.1 净水厂厂址选择和方案确定 21

2.1.1 水厂厂址选择的一般原则 21

2.1.2 设计水量 21

2.1.3 方案选择 22

2.2 取水构筑物选型 22

2.2.1 选用固定式岸边取水构筑物原因 22

2.2.2 取水头部选择 22

2.2.3 进水孔设计 23

2.2.4 格网尺寸设计 23

2.3配水井设计 24

第三章 药剂混合设计 24

3.1混凝设施 24

3.1.1溶液池容积 24

3.1.2溶解池容积 25

3.1.3药剂仓库 25

第四章机械搅拌澄清池设计 26

4.1机械搅拌澄清池 26

4.1.1机械搅拌澄清池优缺点 26

4.1.2 使用条件 26

4.2设计计算 26

4.2.1二反应室 26

4.2.2导流室 27

4.2.3分离室 27

4.2.4池深计算 27

4.2.5配水三角槽 29

4.2.6第一反应室 29

4.2.7容积计算 30

4.2.8进水系统 31

4.2.9集水系统 31

4.3排泥及排水计算 34

4.3.1污泥浓缩室 34

4.4机械搅拌设备 36

4.4.1使用说明 36

4.4.2设备选择 37

第五章 V型滤池 37

5.1选择V型滤池原因及方案 37

5.1.1方案的优缺点 37

5.1.2反应步骤 37

5.2 池体计算 38

5.2.1平面尺寸计算 38

5.2.2进水系统 39

5.2.3反冲洗系统 41

5.2.4过滤系统 43

5.2.5排水系统 43

5.3 反冲洗泵及风机选择 45

第六章 消毒 45

6.1液氯消毒 45

6.1.1选择液氯消毒原因 45

6.2计算说明 45

6.2.1加氯量计算 45

6.2.2储氯量计算 46

第七章 清水池设计 47

7.1 清水池的有效容积 47

7.2 管道布置 47

7.2.1清水池的进水管 48

7.2.2清水池的出水管 48

7.2.3清水池的溢流管 49

7.2.4清水池的排水管 49

7.3清水池的布置 49

7.3.1导流墙 49

7.3.2检修孔 49

7.3.3通气孔 49

7.3.4覆土厚度 50

第八章 吸水井设计 50

8.1 吸水井布置要求 50

8.2 吸水井的设计水位 50

第九章 二级泵房设计 51

9.1二泵房设计 51

9.1.二级泵站设计要点 51

9.1.2设计扬程 51

9.2水泵和电机的选择 51

9.3泵房高度 54

第十章 污泥处理系统 54

10.1工艺流程 54

10.2各反应池排泥量 54

10.2.1 干固体量 54

10.2.2 澄清池排泥水量 55

10.2.3 滤池冲洗废水量 55

10.2.4 浓缩池进水流量 55

10.2.5 脱水机的进泥量 55

10.3 各构筑物的设计计算 55

10.3.1 排泥池 55

10.3.2 浓缩池 56

10.3.4 脱水机房 57

第十一章 水厂高程设计计算 57

11.1 净水工艺流程高程计算 57


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